My addiction isn’t hurting anyone. It’s only pictures on a screen. It’s not like I’m cheating on my wife. There’s no way I could ever do that.
At least that’s what I told myself.
Right up until I had my first affair.
I never would have considered myself capable of being unfaithful to my wife. I loved her, found her attractive, and honestly wanted to be a Godly husband. I simply couldn’t fathom the thought of hurting her in that way.
So what happened? How did my addiction to pornography erupt out of the computer and evolve into multiple real-world affairs?
Looking back now, I can see two main issues that fueled my evolution from online to offline.
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If you aren’t familiar with, they’re the #1 site on the internet offering biblical help for those who struggle with porn addiction. I suggest you check out all the great resources they offer to help you on your journey to freedom (after you read the rest of this post of course).