Each week, we roundup the best links, articles, and videos we find that are relevant to finding freedom from pornography addiction. Please note that by posting a link here it doesn’t necessarily mean we agree with everything in the linked article. It just means we found it interesting enough to share.
To Love, Honor, and Vacuum: Top 10 Effects of Porn on Your Brain, Your Marriage, and Your Sex Life
“Pornography is ravaging marriages. In our culture porn is treated as if it’s harmless, but it’s not. Porn will wreck the arousal process in your brain and end up wrecking your sex life in marriage. The effects of porn are devastating.”
Covenant Eyes: Is Your Accountability Group Doomed to Fail?
“All I know is that when I’ve thrown it all out, grace is what remains. It won’t leave.”
Dave Willis: 5 Ways to be a Better Husband
“I still maintain a friendship, a quite close one at that, with one of the men from that group, but as for the stated purpose of pursuing purity and integrity together, that Tuesday morning group remains to me a symbol of what is wrong with men’s accountability groups.”