Weekly Web (W)roundup


Each week, I round up the best resources, articles, and videos I find that are relevant to finding freedom from porn addiction. Please note that by posting a link here it does not mean I agree with everything in the linked article. It just means I found it interesting enough to share.

Desiring God: Self-Control and the Power of Christ

“Self-control is simply that important, impressive, and nearly impossible practice of learning to maintain control of the beast of one’s own sinful passions. It means remaining master of your own domain not only in the hunky-dory, but also when faced with trial or temptation. Self-control may be the epitome of ‘easier said than done.’”

First Things: The Pornographic Double-Bind

“Male sexual behavior, always a bit difficult to pin down in one place, is moving steadily now in a direction either free of partners or else devoid of long-term commitment to just one woman, aided at every turn by technology. Outside the Church, the revolution runs uncontested, as account after account continues to reveal. Inside the Church, we still seem to have trouble admitting that men are attracted to naked women.”

Reformation 21: The Seven Deadly Sins in a Digital Age—Lust

“When the subject of ‘Lust in a digital age’ comes up, our minds are likely to jump immediately to the suffocating epidemic of internet pornography that is sweeping our country–indeed, the world. Although it is still rarely openly discussed, most of us are probably dimly aware of the statistics, which are terrifying, and the anecdotes, which are more terrifying still.”

Ragamuffin Soul: Why the Biggest Issue Facing the Church is Not Addressing Homosexuality, and it Never Will Be…

“I hear it all the time… ‘The biggest issue the church is facing is addressing the issue of homosexuality.’ Excuse me if I rant for a moment… How is this the biggest issue the church is facing?”

Matt Chandler: That is the Grace

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