Each week, I round up the best resources, articles, and videos I find that are relevant to finding freedom from porn addiction. Please note that by posting a link here it does not mean I agree with everything in the linked article. It just means I found it interesting enough to share.
Rey Reynoso: Eleven Reminders for Dealing with Sin
“On this side of eternity we will sin. I’m not saying we must sin. Sin is not necessary to human life but it is part of human life. On this side of eternity we will struggle with it. We will sin.”
Sammy Adebiyi: How to Mute Inadequacy
“The temptation is to run to self-help in a search for a cure to our inadequacy but Jesus offers us something bigger and better. He offers us grace. Grace is God saying I’ll let you bat even though you just went 0 for 23596. Grace is unmerited favor. Grace is God saying I’m always FOR you in spite of you. Grace is throwing us a party after we return home from wasting our lives.”
CCEF: The Hopeless Marriage
“I hate that hopelessness. The choices are to persist in the relationship and see who dies first or to craft an independent life and try to pretend you don’t care. Either way, your soul withers. It is hard to have a vibrant life with God when your primary relationship is in the dumper.”