Each week, I round up the best resources, articles, and videos I find that are relevant to finding freedom from porn addiction. Please note that by posting a link here it does not mean I agree with everything in the linked article. It just means I found it interesting enough to share.
xxxChurch: 8 Ways Porn Changes You
“When we as adults watch porn, do we know what context to put it in ourselves? I mean, if porn results in addiction, lack of intimacy, decreased satisfaction, desensitization and feelings of despair—why do so many of us try and tell ourselves that ‘it won’t hurt us’?”
Ponder Anew: Dear Church—An open letter from one of those millennials you can’t figure out
“A lot’s been made over the millennial generation and their religious life. Why they go to church. Why they don’t go to church. What they want. What they hate. I’m going to do something different here. I’m not going to cite Barna. I’m not going to quote Rachel Held Evans. I’m not going to link to any articles or blog posts. I’m just going to tell you what’s true for me, and what I’ve seen to be true of others like me.”
Peter Sholl: Guidance on How to be a Man
“When it comes to living the ‘right’ life of a middle-aged male, I am confused. I’m confused because, when I watch sport, the advertisements and commentators are constantly telling me who I am.”
Nick Harrison: Grace Notes
“There’s an old story about grace that goes something like this: A man dies and meets St. Peter at the gates of heaven. Peter tells the man, ‘In order to get into heaven you have to accumulate 100 points. So tell me on what basis should I allow you into heaven?’”