Each week, I round up the best resources, articles, and videos I find that are relevant to finding freedom from porn and sexual addiction. Please note that by posting a link here it does not mean I agree with everything in the linked article. It just means I found it interesting enough to share.
Gospel Coalition | Your Sin Is Not What You Think
“The bottom of sin, the root of all sins, is such a heart—a heart that prefers anything above God; a heart that doesn’t treasure God over everything else, and everyone else.”
World Religion News | God Believes in You, Even if You Suffer from Relapse
“The more a person fights urges and temptations, in this case against porn, the stronger the Lord’s guidance and protection will get. That is a good way to look at things.”
Key Life | Why Do I Still Feel Guilty?
“There are so many Christians who have been forgiven who don’t feel forgiven. I have listened to so many confessions by Christians who ought not to be confessing. They have been carrying around a burden of guilt for years, and they have been doing it needlessly. If you still feel guilty when you ought not to feel guilty and if you suffer from false guilt, you need to do three things for release.”
XXXChurch | Is Looking At Porn The Same Thing As Cheating?
“In a large majority of cases, when a woman discovers her partner watching pornography – whether she expresses it or not – she feels a sense of unworthiness. Our pornography use crushes their self-worth. She believes she can’t compete or measure up to the fantasy women we lust after, and it creates a sense of shame within her.”
Russell Moore | How Can You Help a Friend Struggling With Sexual Immorality?
“Not long ago I received an email from a new Christian. This person wanted to know how she could help a friend realize that her lifestyle was sinful and destructive, without being too harsh, judgmental, or overbearing. This is a question that all Christians have to wrestle with if we seek to live faithfully as believers.”