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52 Amazing Things That Became True of You the Moment You Trusted Christ

52 Things CoverTITLE: 52 Amazing Things That Became True of You the Moment You Trusted Christ
AUTHOR: Stephen Kuhn
RETAIL PRICE: $15.00 US (Hardcover)
ISBN-13: 978-1478970736
PAGES: 192

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The Bible uses many different words to describe what happens to people when they trust Christ. The most common phrase is “in Christ.” But what exactly does that mean? This compact book unpacks 52 key verses from Scripture that reveal God’s answer to the question of a Christian’s true identity. Here is a unique, one-of-kind collection with in-depth commentary and life application insight to help readers discover the full depth of what God has already changed in believers. Changes that are already done.

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The moment you place your hope and trust in Jesus you are reborn with a new nature—a new identity.

Your identity is now “in Christ.” But what exactly does that mean?

Throughout Scripture there are many verses that describe the amazing things that became true of you the moment you trusted Christ. This book unpacks 52 of these passages to help you understand more fully who God says you are, and what these truths mean for you personally—all of which can be deeply transformational.

When you fully understand your true identity, God’s love for you and what He says is true about you allows you to walk in His power rather than your own.

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52 Amazing Things That Became True of You the Moment You Trusted Christ excerpt

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Promotion Info

Whenever promoting the book, please link to and use the hashtag #52AmazingThings.

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10 Lies Men Believe about Porn

10 Lies Men Believe about PornTITLE: 10 Lies Men Believe about Porn
AUTHOR: Stephen Kuhn
PUBLISHER: Morgan James Faith
RETAIL PRICE: $16.99 US (Paperback)
ISBN-13: 978-1630470302
PAGES: 224

Sales Copy

Statistics show roughly 50 percent of men struggle with a pornography addiction; boys are being exposed to porn at younger ages each year; and technology now provides an environment of access where you no longer need to search for porn—it comes looking for you. Despite these facts, this epidemic is largely being ignored. When it is addressed, the message is always “Try harder, get an Internet filter, be a better man.” At best, this message merely addresses the symptoms of a much deeper issue. At worst, it feeds the lies men believe that have contributed directly to their addiction. 10 Lies Men Believe about Porn uncovers the true cause of pornography addiction, exposes the lies that are trapping men in their bondage, and shows them the biblical path to true and lasting freedom.

Back Cover Copy

The battle to resist pornography is brutal.
Its lure just seems too powerful.

We’ve tried for years to be strong, flee from temptation, and manage our desires in better ways. No matter how hard we try, though, we just can’t get away from it. Some of us have lost all hope.

What if the battle you’ve been fighting isn’t even the real battle?

What if using pornography is just a symptom
of something deeper going on inside of you?

What if the things you are doing to protect yourself
are actually contributing to your addiction?

Have you had thoughts like I’m the only one struggling like this, God must be so ashamed of me, or I’ve got to get stronger to overcome this? These thoughts are common. But they are also lies.

In 10 Lies Men Believe About Porn, we will hold these lies up against the truth of Scripture and learn how they deceive us into missing out on the freedom Christ offers us. Ultimately, we will discover how the message of the gospel isn’t to learn how to fight better—it’s being brought to a point where you no longer need to fight at all. That is the type of freedom Jesus came to offer you, which must be why they call it the Good News.


10 Lies Men Believe About Porn is a well-written tomb designed to shake people out of the delusions that revolve around the addiction to pornography.”

Frank Viola, author of 18 books
including Jesus Now and Organic Church

“Men hiding an addiction to pornography are already loaded down with negative baggage. Including denial, anger, self-loathing, frustration, fear, and a feeling of isolation from their wives and from God.  In his refreshingly honest book, 10 Lies Men Believe about Porn, Stephen Kuhn doesn’t pile on. Instead, Kuhn speaks truth from the heart, empowers the reader to be honest with himself, and presents a plan for finding freedom—God’s best plan for every man.”

Jay Payleitner, producer, speaker,
and best-selling author of 14 books including
52 Things Wives Need from their Husbands

“The principles presented in this book will help men embrace and understand their real masculinity. I’m recommending this book to the men in my church.”

Steve Hill, Senior Pastor,
Grace Community Fellowship

Chapter Downloads

My Story

Lie #1: My Pornography Addiction Defines who I am

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10 Lies Men Believe about Porn

10 Lies Men Believe about Porn Study Guide

10 Lies Men Believe about Porn Combo

10 Lies Men Believe about Porn Group Kit

Also available: 10 Lies Men Believe about Porn cover art PDF

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Suggested Interview Questions

  • Why did you decide to write a book on pornography addiction?
  • How is your book different from other books dealing with this issue?
  • Your book doesn’t tell guys what to do to fix their behavior. Why is that?
  • Can you give us a few examples of the lies men believe about porn?
  • Can a non-Christian still get a lot out of this book?

Author Bio

Stephen Kuhn has been leading recovery groups, speaking at college campuses, and providing free online counseling through Belt of Truth Ministries ever since he got steamrolled by Jesus and set free from the chains of porn addiction. His passion is to allow God to use the story of redemption in his life to encourage other men to seek healing through the work of Christ as well.

Like most native Oregonians, Stephen enjoys a good rain shower and probably drinks too much coffee. He spends his weekends hiking, climbing, and skiing, but his greatest joy is playing LEGO with his daughters.

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Stephen Kuhn BG Stephen Kuhn No BG

My One Thing: Randal Ajimine

“What’s the one piece of advice you would give
to someone struggling with porn addiction?”

Randal Ajimine runs the web-based ministry, and is also involved with the organization Thank God for Sex.

Connect with Randall




Twitter: @churchandsex

10 Lies Men Believe about Porn Preview

Check out all the “One Thing” video interviews here.


Steve: Hey, guys! Steve here with Belt of Truth Ministries and I’ve got Randall Ajimine on the line. And Randall runs the web-based ministry,, and he’s also involved in the organization, Thank God for Sex. I met Randall. He’s a fellow contributor with so I’m aware of his ministry through that. And Randall is graciously jumping on the line with us today to answer the question, “What’s the one piece of advice that you would give to someone struggling with porn addiction?”

Randall: Sure. I think my one piece of advice would be to be very gracious to yourself. I think one of the things that keeps people trapped in any kind of addiction and porn addiction is definitely one of them, is a kind of shame cycle where they might try to abstain from whatever they’re addicted to but then go back into it and then get kind of this shame cycle where it’s like “Oh my God! I’m no good. I suck. I can’t do this,” and then that might lead to another kind of bingeing round where they stop. But what this shame cycle keeps them from doing is getting underneath the activity that they’re trying to be free from because usually, any kind of addiction is kind of used to cover over some deeper thing that’s happening in their life and so. And the other organization that I’m involved with, Thank God for Sex, it’s kind of dedicated to helping heal Christians and even helped the church kind of talk and deal with the issue of religious sexual shame. I think the church can unfortunately be unhelpful in the realm of sex and sexuality. In some of the ways that it teaches around this area can lead to a lot of guilt and shame kind of feelings. And again, that keeps Christians and other people, but Christians from getting underneath whatever the addition is. And if you never really get to the root cause of what issue is this addiction covering over, if you never get to what’s underneath that, then it’s I think it’s always going to be this thing that keeps cycling through or even worse. Even if you are able to kind of move past a porn addiction, again, if you’re not getting through the underlining issue, it’ll move to another addiction, sometimes, anyway, yeah. So the only way out of this whole shame spiral is to really accept yourself as you are, to say, “I am looking at these sites” and to not get super judgy on yourself for it to say, “I’m looking at these sites. I did it again and I’m not going to just berate myself for it. I’m going to try to calm myself down a little bit and be curious.” I think the curiosity bit is one of the best cures for a shame cycle. Curiosity being is this idea of “What am I covering over? What I like try to avoid? What feelings, what doubts, what insecurities am I trying to paste over with these things that I’m looking at?” And again, the only way to get out of that shame bit is to kind of slow down and to just be gracious to yourself, and not always be just beating yourself up over whatever you’re looking at. So yeah, being gracious to yourself as God is gracious to you, that’s I think the first ten biggest step.

Steve: Great! Well thanks for sharing that, Randall.

Randall: Sure.

Steve: And so where can people find out more about your ministry?

Randall: Sure. I’m on will leave you to my blog where I do a lot of writing and linking to articles. And I have the same username as for Twitter, And those are the two primary ways. I’m working on getting on other social media platforms but those are the two kind of prime ones right now.

Steve: Okay. We will be sure to link to those in the show notes and in the video description. But thanks for your time, Randall.

Randall: I super enjoyed it.

Steve: Okay, see you later.

My One Thing: Traylor Lovvorn

“What’s the one piece of advice you would give
to someone struggling with porn addiction?”

Traylor Lovvorn is the Chief Ragamuffin, Founder, and CEO of Route1520, and the Executive Director of Undone Redone

Connect with Traylor:

Podcast: Undone Redone on iTunes and Stitcher Radio
Twitter: @tlovvorn 
Instagram: @tlovvorn

10 Lies Men Believe about Porn Preview

Check out all the “One Thing” video interviews here.


Steve: Hey guys! Steven here with Belt of Truth Ministries. I’m on the line with Traylor Lovvorn. His the Chief Rug and Muffin founder and CEO of Route 1520 and his the Executive Director of Undone Redone. So Traylor what’s the one piece of advice that you would give to somebody struggling with porn addiction?

Traylor: Well Steven the one thing that I would tell them things that I wish somebody told me when I was neck beat in my struggle was simply the truth that god was not angry with me and god wanted to join me in the struggle with pornography. Where I was and what kept me in prison for so long was this belief that your god has done his part of salvation and for me that happened when I was 11 years old and it was all about him wiping the slate clean but somewhere along the way I picked up this idea that I had to keep it clean and being exposed when I was 8 years old, this ongoing struggle and believing that to no better equal to do better. Well that wasn’t working for me.

So all that really added a lot of my shame, to a lot of my shame that I now realized was only fueling more of addiction instead of fixing it. So if had known and certainly want these guys who are listening here to know that they’re beloved son, if they’re in Christ, that he’s not angry, that he’s not pissed off in any way. They have the full acceptance and love of their father. And for me the transformation that was brought about was when I began to really allow that message to sync in the full gospel.

That’s when I began to experience true heart change and grace was something that I didn’t fully understand. I think for me the Christian life was you work as hard as you can to meet god’s standards which was perfection so you know you’re not going to quite get there and grace is that little bit of extra to get you over the top. And man, recovery has completely flipped to that paradigm for me. Because when I had that paradigm, passages that Paul would write about those thing in weakness, man that made no sense to me because when I thought it was about leading with strength and having this pristine asking place which I was very good at doing for 30 something years.

Those things in weakness probably talking about and later in the twilight of his ministry he talks about being the chief of center. That to me was not the positive PR campaign that we need to be the good witness for Jesus that we need to be. Why would he say that? Well it was recovery that helped me understand why Paul was saying that. Because he really understood grace and for most of my life I really didn’t. And being able…one of the…in our group we have recovery groups that we lead here in the Birmingham, Alabama area and one of the passages that are part of our readings at every group is a passage from Titus too.

He said with a grace of god has appeared bringing salvation for all people. That’s verse 11, I got that part. Grace means Salvation. But what I had missed was that grace was also a transforming power. And so it goes in verse 12 as I’m training that, to renounce and godliness and whirly passions and to live self-control upright and godly lives in the present age. I thought that grace had saved me and now if my sanctification came to sweat effort striving more discipline, more willpower, all of these things to show god how thankful I am for what he had done for me with the cross. But to finally understand that no grace but only saves, it’s the power that is actually transforming me, that was a complete game changer because now overcoming sexual sand and any sand in my life is now through surrender not through striving. And surrender for me most of my life it just felt like giving up and an easy out.

I was so afraid with that would just be a license to continue down this road of all these simple things but what it actually meant is I’ve discovered my want to’s. What I really now understand grace that god is smiling. My desires are changing because when I understand that the father is singing over me. And he’s allowed me to begin to hear that melody. Man that’s a game changer because now it’s not just about the outward behavior that I was about for so many years.

Now it’s about really just resting in my position as aside. That I’m no longer an orphan and for me my life in what I’ve I described here, I was a spiritual orphan trying to pull off and do the Christian life on my own. Just like an orphan lives on his own. There’s no power outside of he or she to act on their behalf. We do have that power.

So anyway that’s a long answer to a great question. I wish that I had known that god was not angry, not pissed, not frustrated, not sending over them to the corner with his arms crossed tapping his foot wondering when I was going to get my act together so he can get on with kingdom business. Because what that do is it just left me alone in my struggle. And so all I need to do with pain was to run them more pornography. And so bring your pain to the father, he wants to enter in to that place with you. He’s safe, he’s good. The backdraft of our ministry is Luke 15. And that story, the two sons illustrates everything that I’m talking about.

The prodigal expected…the best he was hoping for was be reinstated or be instated as a servant, as a hired hand for his dad. Sonship was completely off the table based on what he had done. So if you’re struggling, if you even last night, even five minutes ago, struggling your heat in the shame, remember if you’re in Christ he is running after you, he wants to join you in that struggle and the only way we can truly change is surrendering to the fact that we can’t change. And once we do that, it begins to open the door to the true power of the gospel and the spirit in our lives.

Steve: Great. I think that’s awesome advice. Yeah I mean I would agree if there’s this one thing, that’s where you start, that’s where you have to start. If you try and start anywhere else, suddenly inviting the odd in, everything is going to be just…it’s going to be off. So yeah I agree fully that that’s the…there’s one thing, that’s where you start. Just let inviting the father in. So thank you for sharing that Traylor. Tell people where can they find out more about your ministry.

Traylor: Yeah our ministry is at Route 1520, Route 1 5 2 0 and like I said, the backdrop is Luke 1520 when the prodigal decides to come home. And so that’s what we are about…at is our website but we help prodigals and elder brothers find their way home to the true heart of the father understanding this message of grace that meeting ourselves up about that behavior doesn’t change the bad behavior. But actually accepting the scandalous nature of god’s grace in our lives is what really brings about change. Melanie, my wife and I, we also do a weekly podcast, it’s called Undone Redone. That website is

We have about almost 65 episodes up now and just talking about our story of brokenness. Hers from more of an elder brother, mine for more of a prodigal with a public elder brother, secret prodigal but our tagline is Life is Messy Bring your Bait and we just kind of flushed out more of these things. They’re on the podcast.

Steve: Thanks for your time. All those links…I know you sent me more for Facebook, Twitter, all that stuff, we’ll put that in the show notes so people can find you. I loved what you guys are doing, keep up the great work and yeah anybody watching this video, check out Route 1520, Undone Redone, it’s all great stuff. So thanks again Traylor.

Traylor: Stephen thank you. I look forward to what you’re doing with your ministry as well. I look forward to maybe working with you down the road.

Steve: Sounds good. See you.

My One Thing: Cory Schortzman

“What’s the one piece of advice you would give
to someone struggling with porn addiction?”

Cory Schortzman is the Executive Director of Transformed Hearts Counseling Center and author of multiple books.

Connect with Cory



Twitter: @TransformedH




Out of the Darkness

Into the Light Series

Ashes to Beauty Series

301 Series

10 Lies Men Believe about Porn Preview

Check out all the “One Thing” video interviews here.


Stephen: I’ve got Cory Schortzman on the line. Cory is the executive director of Transformed Hearts Counseling Center and the author of multiple books on recovery. Cory, what’s the one piece of advice that you would give to somebody struggling with porn addiction?

Cory: Thanks. Good afternoon, Stephen. A couple of main things I’d like to talk about as maybe kind of a typical… There’s always accountability, honesty, lying, these sorts of things that help men come out of pornography, and getting in groups. But the one thing that I don’t find a lot of people talking about is this addiction to being offended. I believe that underneath any and every addiction is an addiction to being offended. And I find this in my own recovery, my own sobriety. And what does this really mean? So these are people that generally to go and act out, underneath that is deeper issues of feeling hurt, real or imagined offences get us to a place to want to go medicate those feelings and emotions. I have a website. I do a lot of blogging and an offended test. The Anatomy of Peace, Leadership, Self-deception by The Arbinger Institute. These books have taken me beyond my 12-step program over the years and really identifying that it is true and God’s word, when in the last days, many will be offended. Many will be lovers of themselves. It goes on to say love will grow cold. As we know, lust takes… I like to define lust as taking fantasy, takes… Imagination is about giving to others. Love is about giving.

So they’re just some quick little tidbits here on what this assessment looks like. If you find yourself thinking and believing your qualities are better than others, or you find yourself thinking and believing that the qualities of others are worse than yours, you find yourself as judge, jury, and executioner. You think about getting even with those that have hurt you.

Number three, you’re quick to accuse, blame, and criticize others for your own problems, thoughts, and actions. Another one here, you find yourself unable to sleep and awaken at night, unable to fall back to sleep, having your racing thoughts and feeling disrespect that you’ve been done wrong. You’re easily angered and become defensive when you ask to change or are confronted about your behaviors. You believe that only if others change, then your relationships with them would be better.

Here’s another one: you allow your emotions to dictate how you act. Generally, typical things that I see… and there are several more of these as I’ve assessed. So if you explore five or more of these, you might have an addiction to being offended. And part of this assessment too is we hear a lot [inaudible – 03:49] parts [inaudible] is the lesser known. Everybody is familiar with sex addiction, but what’s lesser known is intimacy anorexia. And this is an intentional withholding of our hearts, feelings, and emotions with our spouse. And in my research, about 64 percent of the guys that come to our office are not only sex addicts but intimacy anorexics. So to do that assessment, I have also on our website. And it can be very helpful for the guy we’re trying to help. So if you’re a guy not finding much success, you’ve been in recovery for a while from your acting out, there might be a 6 out of 10 chance that you’re only dealing with half the addiction, and that is intimacy anorexia.

So if there’s one thing today, I guess there are two things I want to bring to the table, and that’s an addiction to being offended, which I believe is also underneath the anorexia addiction. So a lot of things. I don’t want people to feel overwhelmed like oh, I’ve got more stuff to work on. But we do want tools and information out there, so check out our website and the blog. I’ve been blogging now for over a year. We have some YouTube clips out there that can help get them started. Thanks, Stephen.

Stephen: Yeah, awesome. I think those are a couple of great resources. I encourage all the guys watching this to check out those assessments, fill them out, and just see. It’s amazing what you can learn from just answering some of those introspective questions. I know in my own journey that intimacy anorexia was something that I worked through with my counselor. And it’s not something that’s on a lot of guys’ radars. But once their eyes are open to it, then they recognize it in their life. And you can see how it really does play a big part in pornography addiction. So I’m glad you shared that, Cory.

Can you tell people where they can find out more about you and your ministry?

Cory: Yeah, absolutely. We are based in Colorado Springs, and we also have a satellite office in Denver. But surprisingly, most of our practice is by phone. So don’t let that limit you. Give us a call. Our website is The phone number is 719-590-1350. We do free assessments. We have lots of books and resources, YouTube stuff, the blogs. We do 3-day and 5-day intensives. We do phone counseling groups. So really, at any point of entrance, depending on your budget and availability, we want to help you out. So give us a call and see how we can serve you. Thanks.

Stephen: Yeah, awesome. As always, all that information will be in the show notes. So if you guys didn’t catch all that watching, just scroll down below and you’ll see all those links. Cory, thanks again for your time, I love what you’re doing, and keep up the great work.

Cory: Thanks Stephen, be blessed.

Stephen: See you.

Cory: Bye.

My One Thing: Paul Robinson

“What’s the one piece of advice you would give
to someone struggling with porn addiction?”

Paul Robinson is an x3groups Zone Leader and blogger.

Connect with Paul:



Twitter: @paulrobinson33

10 Lies Men Believe about Porn Preview

Check out all the “One Thing” video interviews here.


Steve: Hey guys! I’m here with Paul Robinson. He’s an x3groups Zone Leader and a blogger over at And Paul what’s the one piece of advice that you would give to somebody struggling with pornography addiction?

Paul: That’s a really good question. I think there’s lots and lots of things you can do if you’re addicted to porn. I think it’s really probably a combination of different things, but I think the one thing, and I’m speaking a lot from experience here myself that’s really helped me, is just being able to get to the kind of the root of the issue behind addiction, something like…stuff like accountability, stuff like that is really helpful for me. But I think ultimately what really bought me to freedom was kind of understanding the stuff from my past all the way to my present where it was kind of shaping how I saw myself, how I saw other people, and ultimately why that led me to look at porn and become addicted. I think my piece of advice would be to find people who are experienced with dealing with that kind of stuff, professionals who are experts of that and really help us kind of unpack a lot of that stuff most of us deal with from day-to-day. I think that takes a lot of time, a lot of effort. It’s not an easy fix, by any means. But I think it’s one of those things that when we do it right, when we do it well enough and commit to it, a real freedom is found.

Steve: Cool! Thanks for sharing that advice. Tell people where they can find you online.

Paul: Yeah. You can find me at my blog, which is and my Twitter handle is @paulrobinson33. Those are probably the best venues to find me.

Steve: Okay. Well thanks for your time. Thanks for sharing that with the audience here and good luck with your ministry.

Paul: Yeah no problem. Thanks Stephen.

Steve: Thank you.

My One Thing: Jeff Fisher

“What’s the one piece of advice you would give
to someone struggling with porn addiction?”

Jeff Fisher is the founder of,, and host of the Top Tips For Sexual Purity podcast.

Connect with Jeff


Podcast:  Top Tips For Sexual Purity Podcast

10 Lies Men Believe about Porn Preview

Check out all the “One Thing” video interviews here.


Steve: Hey, guys! Steve here with Belt of Truth Ministries. I’ve got Jeff Fisher on the line. Jeff is the founder of,, and he also hosts the Top Tips for Sexual Purity podcast which you can find on iTunes. So Jeff, let me go ahead and ask you what’s the one piece of advice that you would give to somebody struggling with porn addiction?

Jeff: Hey, Steven! Glad to be on your show and everybody out there. I think one of the biggest tips that I’ve learned in the process is that we need to keep coming out of isolation. There’s an initial coming out of isolation where I share my secret story, I share the things that I’ve been hiding and covering up for so long. That initial share is one of the hardest things to get over but finding somebody safe, finding an old friend, maybe paying to go to somebody who’s confidential like a counselor, or even setting an appointment with the minister, finding somebody where you can break the ice. Once you break the ice and start to talk about the struggles within in regards to your sexual purity, then it’s like God is just there and it’s this freeing up feeling and this fountain of relief. And it’s hard to describe that I can finally talk to somebody openly about what’s going on. It’s still scary and it still takes a lot of courage but that initial share, and maybe I haven’t talked about it in a long time or I haven’t talked about really the deeper things, and that’s what I mean is going to those levels where you’re breaking the isolation and you’re sharing. But you know the tip is to keep doing that. We who are in recovery from our sexual struggles have to keep doing that on a regular basis. It gets easier as we work through the pain and the difficult things. And people are good for it. Then I feel comfortable to share more and build trust. I think sometimes that I need to go to somebody like you, Steven, or somebody like our ministry, or another ministry that is equipped and is used to hearing people’s struggles. Sometimes, we can do enough work on the front end to find a minister or a counselor who is used to talking to people about their sexual struggles but I think that is one of the benefits of ministries like ours. We’re automatic safe people that we’re not going to flinch. It’s not that we’ve heard it all but we’ve heard a whole lot. And everybody thinks that their story is unique and the worst. And it’s not, it’s very common but we just are not around people that talk about it to know that our struggle is a common thing. And sometimes, the depths and widths of our struggle might be more unique but just the core of our struggle. For seven years ago was when the stuff hit the fan for me. I got caught, I got exposed and I was kind of forced out but then I had to still make a decision to keep sharing. So admitting that I had looked at bad stuff on the computer was one thing but then to keep sharing and keep opening up, that’s where God started to bless and that’s where I started to find the healing that I needed from the Lord.

Steve: I think that’s great advice. We have heard of that as walking in the light. And I know that was hugely important when I started recovery. It was just getting comfortable sharing my story and…

Jeff: Yeah.

Steve: Yeah. I couldn’t agree with you more so thanks for sharing that, Jeff. Tell people where they can find you online.

Jeff: Yeah, sure. My wife and I, Marcia and I, we started about seven years ago, just as a way to blog about our struggles and then it started to turn into a podcast and so I started a podcast called Top Tips for Sexual Purity and you could find that on iTunes. That’s the best place to search for it. There’s a huge catalogue, huge back catalogue of episodes. So download whatever ones that you feel are good for you. And then our latest website is called and that’s where we offer our support groups, offer a unique thing called Accountability jumpstart where I can help you get started in you accountability for 1, 2, or 3 months. I can be your accountability partner. And then there’s regular coaching where there’s a more comprehensive in-depth help to build your purity strategy so that it goes for the long-term.

Steve: Okay. We will be sure to link to all that in the show notes. Thanks again for your time, Jeff. I really appreciate it. And we’ll keep in touch.

Jeff: Yeah, thanks a lot!

Steve: Okay, see you!

My One Thing: Craig Gross

“What’s the one piece of advice you would give
to someone struggling with porn addiction?”

Craig Gross is the founder and director of, and the author of multiple books including Touchy Subjects, Open, and Go Small.

Connect with Craig:



Twitter: @craiggross

10 Lies Men Believe about Porn Preview

Check out all the “One Thing” video interviews here.


Steve: Hey guys! Steve here from Belt of Truth Ministries, and I got Craig Gross on the line. He’s the founder of And Craig, thanks for joining us for the One Thing series. So I’m going to ask you the same question I’m asking everybody on this series, and that’s “What’s the one piece of advice that you would give to anybody struggling with pornography or sexual addiction?”

Craig: One thing. It’s probably the most common thing that we come across. Most people have never told anybody that they struggle with this. So we found that lot of people will tell us. They’ll write into us, they’ll post a story on our website, which is all good, but I’m talking about telling somebody close to you; not a stranger, not xxxChurch, not Stephen. The first step is to find somebody close to you – your spouse, your best friend, your pastor – somebody close to you that cares enough about you to keep the conversation going. That’s going to be key, I think. It’s not going to solve all your problems but it’s going to be a great starting point. That’s why we created X3watch, not because we’re software geeks, but could we create something that would enable conversation amongst people. That’s what it’s all about. That’s my one thing.

Steve: Cool, thanks Craig.

Craig: Yeah, thanks man.

My One Thing: Mary DeMuth

“What’s the one piece of advice you would give
to someone struggling with porn addiction?”

Mary DeMuth is an international speaker and author of 30 books, including Not Marked: Finding Hope and Healing after Sexual Abuse.

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Twitter: @marydemuth


Not Marked: Finding Hope and Healing after Sexual Abuse

Live Uncaged

The Wall Around Your Heart: How Jesus Heals You When Others Hurt You

Beautiful Battle: A Woman’s Guide to Spiritual Warfare

10 Lies Men Believe about Porn Preview

Check out all the “One Thing” video interviews here.


Steve: Hey, guys! Steve here with Belt of Truth. I’m on the line with Mary DeMuth. Mary is an international speaker and author of thirty books including Not Marked: Finding Hope and Healing from Sexual Abuse. Mary, what’s the one piece of advice you’d give to somebody struggling with porn addiction?

Mary: I guess I would say to consider the fact that the person or the people that you’re looking at online or in other venues is a human being and to really think about the fact that they carry the image of Christ, that they have humanity in them because I think what happens is we can objectify people very easily when we think of them as other than ourselves. We think of them as an entity, or a product, or a thing, or something that makes us happy instead of actually a human being. So this sounds pretty harsh but to consider that maybe that girl or that person that you’re looking at is a child of yours or someone related to you. And how would you feel if that very real human being was doing those things and how would you feel as a father or as a mother knowing that your child was being subjected to something like that? And so creating this humanity of we’re all in this together, we’re all human, and we all have this great value. So I guess that goes back to, I think it goes back to heart, just really removing yourself from the non-humanity of it and seeing these people as fellow human beings. I hope that makes sense. Does that make sense?

Steve: Yeah, yeah. That’s awesome. I’m glad that you shared that. I knew that with your background and your ministry that you would probably come with this from a different angle than a lot of the people that I have been interviewing. And I love what you had to share. I think that’s really important and I know that that’s something that in my journey was very helpful as I continue to find more and more healing. One thing I notice was that God was changing the way that I viewed pornography and just women in general. There was a lot of transforming of my mind in that area. And that’s what I encourage a lot of the guys I work with is seek that healing so you reach a point because the reality of this day and age is like even when you’re not looking, there’s a good chance you’re going to stumble across something.

Mary: Right.

Steve: And when you reach that point of healing where when those images come across your monitor, rather than being attracted to them, it’s almost like your heart breaks for them because you realize…

Mary: Right.

Steve: Like this is a child of God that I’m looking at. And a lot of those women are being abused and there’s a lot of pain and hurt in the industry. And when you see it from that lens, it makes it really hard to keep looking for more.

Mary: Well yeah.

Steve: Go ahead.

Mary: Well, I just finished a book. I just released a book called The Day I Met Jesus and it was five diaries of women from the New Testament meeting Jesus for the first time. And a lot of them were marginalized women. One was a prostitute who loved much. And as I stepped around in their shoes for a while, I realized Jesus really like hang out with these folks and He dignified those who were in the margins. And so if He asked that of us, then we also have to look at the prostitutes that are in our lives. And a lot of times, they’re represented on the screen. And so yeah, another way to do it instead of thinking about, “Okay, I’m going to try not to look at that image,” instead look away from the image and say a prayer. Pray for the heart of that person to be set free, pray that there will be rescue, pray that God would intervene in their life in such a way that they don’t have to work that way anymore, or pray for the perpetrators who have enslaved them in that place. Pray for chains to be broken. It’s just a whole different perspective. And as a sexual abuse survivor and someone who’s been objectified, I can wholeheartedly say that I am a human being made in the image of God. And so it helps me to help other people to see that.

Steve: Awesome! Well thanks for sharing that, Mary. Tell people where they can find out more about you and your books and all that.

Mary: Sure. Everything is on I also wrote a book called Not Marked as you mentioned in the beginning. And you can find that at It’s for those of you who have encountered sexual abuse and are trying to work through and heal. And so both of those places, you can find me.

Steve: Awesome! And we’ll link to all your social media and all that in the show notes so…

Mary: Awesome!

Steve: Thank you again for your time. I really appreciate what you’re doing.

Mary: No problem! Thank you.

Steve: Yeah. See you later!

Mary: Bye!

My One Thing: Forest Benedict

“What’s the one piece of advice you would give
to someone struggling with porn addiction?”

Forest Benedict, LMFT is a Sexual Addictions Treatment Provider and the Clinical Director of LifeSTAR.

Connect with Forest:

Spiritual Connection/Personal Blog:

Sexual Addiction Resource Blog:

Twitter: @ForestGB


10 Lies Men Believe about Porn Preview

Check out all the “One Thing” video interviews here.


Steve: Hey guys, Stephen Kuhn with Belt of Truth Ministries. I’ve got Forest Benedict on the line. Forest is a sexual addiction treatment provider, MFT intern, and the program manager of LifeSTAR. Forest, thanks for joining us today. What’s the one piece of advice that you would give to someone struggling with porn addiction?

Forest: Yeah, the one piece of advice may sound like something that’s a little bit different, but really is that to have the kind of self-control that’s required in recovery, that basic self-care is really a necessity. When I think of recovery, I think of it as a lifestyle change, wherein we’re moving from a lifestyle of self neglect and self-destructive behavior to a lifestyle of self-care. One thing I think is really helpful for people in understanding why self-care is so important is really looking at how pornography addiction impacts the brain. And the way that it impacts the brain is it really causes harm to the pre-frontal cortex of the brain and we need that thing working well to have self-control, to be connected with our goals and values, and to have empathy for other people and emotional balance. That kind of harm that the pornography does to that part of the brain gives us less self-control. Having self-care in place that strengthens that part of the brain is actually really an essential part of recovery.

And so some of the basic self-care that I recommend for those seeking recovery, again it’s going to sound very basic, but all of these that I’m going to mention actually strengthen that part of the brain that gives us self-control. The first one is sleep, and just not being sleep deprived and getting adequate amount of sleep, I know people, it’s kind of well-known in the recovery field that if you’re tired then it’s a pretty common trigger, but I think a lot of it has to do with how sleep affects the brain, and so sleep is super important, getting adequate sleep, taking naps if you need to. Exercise is super important to strengthen that part of the brain. We teach a mindful breathing exercise, it’s really just focused on the breath and I’m happy to share that with you if I can, but it’s something that actually strengthens that self-control part of the brain. And even healthy diet is actually related to recovery too. I’ve written about this, how sugar can be really triggering for people trying to recover from sexual addiction. And also I think there’s a potential for becoming addicted to sugar. It’s like when we take away the porn, we still crave that dopamine and sugar is that easy outlet for dopamine, easy way to access dopamine. Limiting sugar and eating real food that’s healthy really does play a part in strengthening the part of the brain that helps us have self-control.

And then the other piece of that self-care puzzle would be abstaining from pornography, which might sound like a no-brainer. No pun intended. But then another part of it too is video games. I think that would be kind of surprising to people, but the research I’ve done is that video games kind of do similar things to the brain that pornography does. Some people are trying to heal their brain from the harm that’s been done with pornography, abstaining from pornography and video game and doing all these self-care strategies again be really helpful. To practice on a regular basis, it’s like strengthening a new muscle, you have to get into a routine and practice it and so another thing I tell people is this can get really messed up when we have things like vacation, when we go out-of-town, and we say to ourselves “I’m on vacation. I don’t have to sleep. I don’t have to eat good. I can do whatever I want.” That can really be kind of time in the brain for relapse, really. There’s no vacation from recovery. That’s why I recommend people maintain these types of things even when they’re on vacation, taking care of themselves.

And so maybe the last piece I’ll throw in there is that I find that people dealing with pornography addiction have a huge level of shame, and a lot of criticism. And so when you throw out a bunch of things like these are healthy routines to bring into your recovery journey, they could become very self-critical and kind of jump on themselves if they make a mistake or if they slip or relapse, be very self-critical. I’ve studied this idea of self-compassion because it’s another thing that I don’t think is very well…I haven’t heard a lot about it, especially in the church in particular, this idea of self compassion, self forgiveness, because what we find is that people actually are more likely to change if they are actually a little kinder to themselves. It’s the self-criticism that makes people more likely to relapse. And so that’s why I say as you think about these self-care strategies, if you can be a little gracious with yourself and patient with yourself that it’s going to take some time to learn a whole new way of relating to yourself more in this caring way.

Anyways, that’s kind of it in a nutshell. I’ve written a lot of stuff on this, self compassion. I wrote an article, people might be interested in, called The Science of Self Control, why Christians are called to self-care, so kind of tying that back-end. That’s basically it, that whole idea of self-care and how that leads to healing the addicted [06:51].

Steve: Great! Thanks for sharing that. You mentioned some of those articles. Why don’t you tell people where they could find out more about you online and where they can find some of your writing?

Forest: Okay. Yeah I do. I write in a couple different places. If you go to, that’s where I write a lot of articles related to sexual addiction, recovery, provide lots of great tools for people, dealing with shame, self-compassion, all kinds of things. I try to bring in science and really relate it to what people are doing. And then if you go, that’s just forest with one R like Forest Gump, I have my personal blog and that one is actually very Christian-oriented, and it’s a lot about finding a deeper connection with God and so I will bring some stuff related to recovery in there but it’s really about feeling the relationship with God.

Steve: Great! I’ll be sure to add those in the show notes, so anybody watching this just look below this video and you should find all those links. Forest, thanks again for your time, I really appreciate it, and good luck with all that you do.

Forest: Thank you very much.

Steve: See you.

My One Thing: Michael Cusick

“What’s the one piece of advice you would give
to someone struggling with porn addiction?”

Michael John Cusick is the founder and president of Restoring the Soul, and author of one of my favorite books on recovery, “Surfing for God.”

Connect with Michael:

Twitter: @michaeljcusick


10 Lies Men Believe about Porn Preview

Check out all the “One Thing” video interviews here.


Steve: Hey guys! Steve Kuhn here with Belt of Truth Ministries. I’m excited to have Michael John Cusick on the line. Michael’s the founder and president of Restoring the Soul and author of one of my favorite books on recovery, Surfing for God. When I was halfway done writing my book, I came across Michael’s and for a second there I thought “hey I don’t have to write my book now because Michael’s already said everything that need to be said.” It’s a great book. I highly recommend it. With that foundation set, as you can probably tell I’m pretty excited to be on the line here and to ask you the question Michael, what’s the one piece of advice that you would give to someone struggling with porn addiction?

Michael: Other than read your book because you wrote your book in your own unique voice and even though we both have a passion for the heart and getting down to the heart of the issue, your voice is an important voice in all the books that are out there, so I’m glad that you wrote it. The one piece of advice is really what this problem is not about. It’s not do this or don’t do that, but rather it’s a way of thinking about how to frame the problem. To the one thing is that struggles with lust and pornography and sexual addiction and acting out sexually, habitual sexual sin and enslavement, they’re simply not about sex. As I say that in a number of ways and I’ve said that for 20 years all over the world, I’m always surprised to how surprise guys are by that idea that it’s not about sex. Really? What that means is it’s not about the physical release or the orgasm, it’s not about the size of the woman’s body parts or how hot she is, or it’s not about the new image that you capture. It’s really about something deeper. It’s about a deep spiritual hunger. The first thing is I’d want to point guys to Proverbs 27:7 where it says…I memorized this a long time ago but I’m going to use my cheat sheet and I’ll tell you that upfront as opposed to trying not to look; “he who is full loads honey but to one who is hungry, even what is bitter tastes sweet.” This has everything to do with deep hunger and desire in our heart and that desire is not unholy or bad, rather it’s just desire. It’s just is. It’s the engine that drives our heart for God. It’s what we do with that desire.

The second thing is that with that deep hunger in our heart, God created us for connection and for attachment. And when we take our desire to connect, our desire for intimacy, our desire for attention, affection, affirmation, all that good stuff, when we take that desire to something or some person or some substance or an image, like pornography, and we give our heart to it, we attach to it. And the reason for that is God made us that way. So attachments to God and all of his good gifts are things that we’re meant to experience. But when it’s something that’s not God and one of his good gifts, i.e. something that is bitter even though it tastes sweet because we’re hungry, what happens is we become attached to it and then we can’t break free. And there are emotional and psychological attachments. There are neurological attachments. And there are, as you know because you emphasize warfare a lot as I did in my book, there are spiritual attachments and strongholds. And to undo those, we don’t try to undo those attachments and satisfy that deep hunger by trying harder, but we ultimately need to learn to rest in Christ. I think both the hardest commandment in the bible to obey and the one that’s most relevant for recovery from sexual sin is Psalm 46:10, “be still and know that I’m God.” For me that’s actually the hardest commandment to obey. I’ll often ask men “what’s the hardest commandment for you to obey?” And if you’re in a conversation with guys about sexual struggle and sexual sin, it always comes up “don’t look at a woman lustfully” or it’s one of the passages in the vice list in Paul’s writings or something. And people need to think outside of the passages about sex and to this deeper hunger.

It’s not about sex. It is about a deeper hunger. It’s about attachments at the soul level where our desires get misdirected. What then it needs to become about is about learning to rest deeply in Christ where we’re actually beginning to feed our soul from the tree of life and not just at the tree of knowledge, of good and evil.

And then finally to connect with other men in community. I know that’s 4 separate things. It’s about hunger. It’s about soul attachments, that we need to learn to rest in Christ and that we need to be connected with other men in community, but those are all A, B, C, and D under the #1 thing of it’s not about sex.

Steve: I think that’s excellent advice. Thank you so much for sharing that with us, Michael.

Michael: My pleasure.

Steve: Tell people where they can find out more about you and your books and ministry and all that.

Michael: My ministry website is It’s soul not sole. That’s a shoe repair shop; and then You can find out about our resources, our programs, etc. at either of those websites.

Steve: Okay. And we’ll be sure to have all those links in the show notes below. Thanks again for your time, Michael. Thank you for your ministry. I know your book has been very helpful in my life and I know in a lot of other lives as well. Thank you again for that and for your time.

Michael: You’re welcome. Thank you. Take care Stephen.

Steve: See you Michael.