This is it folks! My new book, DONE. 52 Amazing Things That Became True of You the Moment You Trusted Christ, is available now as a free download on Noisetrade:
You can choose from multiple formats depending on your eReader of choice (Kindle, iPad, PDF), however, if you’re like me and you prefer a good old-fashioned paperback, you can pick up a copy of the print book on Amazon.
And be sure to hop back over to Amazon when you’re done reading DONE. to leave a review. That’s the single best thing you can do to help get this book into the hands of others who may still need to be told about the amazing things that happen to them when they trust Jesus.
Either way, I do hope you enjoy reading this book as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it.
P.S. The book will only be free through the end of August, so be sure to download it right away!