“What’s the one piece of advice you would give
to someone struggling with porn addiction?”
Craig Gross is the founder and director of xxxChurch.com, and the author of multiple books including Touchy Subjects, Open, and Go Small.
Connect with Craig:
Blog: www.craiggross.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/craiggross
Twitter: @craiggross
Check out all the “One Thing” video interviews here.
Steve: Hey guys! Steve here from Belt of Truth Ministries, and I got Craig Gross on the line. He’s the founder of xxxChurch.com. And Craig, thanks for joining us for the One Thing series. So I’m going to ask you the same question I’m asking everybody on this series, and that’s “What’s the one piece of advice that you would give to anybody struggling with pornography or sexual addiction?”
Craig: One thing. It’s probably the most common thing that we come across. Most people have never told anybody that they struggle with this. So we found that lot of people will tell us. They’ll write into us, they’ll post a story on our website, which is all good, but I’m talking about telling somebody close to you; not a stranger, not xxxChurch, not Stephen. The first step is to find somebody close to you – your spouse, your best friend, your pastor – somebody close to you that cares enough about you to keep the conversation going. That’s going to be key, I think. It’s not going to solve all your problems but it’s going to be a great starting point. That’s why we created X3watch, not because we’re software geeks, but could we create something that would enable conversation amongst people. That’s what it’s all about. That’s my one thing.
Steve: Cool, thanks Craig.
Craig: Yeah, thanks man.