Here at Belt of Truth Ministries, we typically stick to writing and sharing content that helps men find freedom from porn addiction.
Today, however, I’d like to do something completely different.
If you received our latest email newsletter, then you already know I’ve been busy setting up a new home office Belt of Truth World Headquarters over the past few months. There are entire blogs set up to share people’s work environments and strategies, and I for one find them quite interesting.
Many of you will have zero interest in what my office looks like or what tools I use, in which case I assure you we will be back to our normal content tomorrow. But for those of you who would like to see behind the curtain, please enjoy this virtual tour of the Belt of Truth World Headquarters.
Belt of Truth World Headquarters
Once of the main selling points for us with our new house was the large, finished wood shop that had been added on by the previous owner. Not because I needed a wood shop (I enjoy having all my fingers), but because it would make a perfect home office and gym. It took a few weeks to clean up the sawdust, paint the walls and ceiling, hook it up to the home heating system, and add lighting; but as of a few weeks ago everything was finally set up and operational.
Custom Desk
I built the desk out of concrete CMU blocks and two salvaged doors. The CMU blocks were cheap and are perfect for displaying all the random stuff I like to keep at my desk. They also allow for a ton of customization in how the desk is set up.
I opted for a split level design that allows for both sitting and standing work stations, which I have found to be a game-changer for me. I get antsy when I’m sitting in one position for too long, and having the ability to move between sitting, standing, or even moving to the couch or chair allows me to stay focused for much longer. The key to a standing desk though (especially with concrete floors), is having a good mat beneath you. I use the Ergodriven Topo Mat, which I like because it has various contours that allows you to use it in multiple positions.
I’ve had my current laptop (17″ MacBook Pro) for only a year or so, but I’ve been using Apple laptops for more than a decade. Now that I have a permanent workspace though, I added an Apple Thunderbolt Display and Laptop Stand to make life easier for me when I’m doing my graphic design work (designing book spreads on a laptop display is less than ideal).
I opted for this setup rather than purchasing a new iMac because of how simply the whole system works. All I need to do is plug the display into my laptop and slide it under the stand. Everything fires up automatically, adjusts the resolution appropriately, and works seamlessly. My laptop instantly turns into a desktop. Brilliant. If you need a desktop and a laptop and don’t want to deal with keeping two machines synced up, this is hands-down the way to go.
Reading Spots
It seems like I always have a stack of books I’m working through, so I wanted to create a few options where I could read comfortably without being distracted by bouncing email notifications or the lure of hilarious cat videos (in other words, not near my computer). In one corner I have my grandma’s old leather recliner, and in the middle of the office is a surprisingly comfortable Ikea sofa bed. You may have also noticed the amazing Star Wars pillows, which may be my favorite things in the office. They’re from a site called Society6 where you can print pretty much anything you want onto anything you want. It’s amazing. Go check it out. You’ll thank me.
Random Stuff
I love random stuff. I’ve never understood how people can work in those minimalistic studios where everything is white and geometric. I prefer my office to be an ever-changing collection of action figures, Legos, and whatever else I find at thrift stores and garage sales.
Here’s a random sampling of what’s currently on display:

Me with John Eldredge, Mr. Miyagi action figure, Lego Double-Decker Couch

Letterpress print from the original 1957 Haas Grotesk (Helvetica) type blocks

Johnny Cash prayer candle (don’t ask), my Grandpa’s old lunchbox

Han Solo and the Millennium Falcon

The most honest mug I own

Benny’s Spaceship from the Lego Movie

Poe’s X-Wing, BB-8, Han and Chewie, Tie Fighter

The world’s greatest mousepad

My favorite thrift store find: a framed Radiohead Kid A poster
Perhaps in a future post I’ll show you guys our warehouse (the inside of the large cabinet), or even our shipping dock (a space on the floor beside the main door).
In all seriousness though, I am continually amazed at how the internet makes it possible for me to connect with each of you from all around the world, all from this former wood shop in the back of my garage. So yes, it may be tongue-in-cheek, but thanks to all of you, this really is the Belt of Truth Ministries World Headquarters.