Smart Quote: Albert Einstein

“No problem can be solved by the same consciousness that caused it.” Albert Einstein

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Smart Quote: Michael John Cusick

“A man’s sexual appetite is a barometer for what’s going on inside his heart." —Michael John Cusick

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Smart Quote: Richard Rohr

“In the Gospels, we don’t see Jesus getting upset with the sinners. We see Him getting upset only with those who do not think they are sinners.” —Richard Rohr

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Smart Quote: Bob George

“The believer’s identity in Christ is not a side issue; it is central to experiencing the real Christian life. If we do not have a firm grip on this issue, we will not have the confidence to go to our God and Father for help when we need it the most." —Bob George

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Smart Quote: John Lynch

“What if Christ, for the believer, is never over there, on the other side of our sin? What if the power of His death on the cross allows Him to stand right in front of me, on my worst day, and smile bigger and happier than any human being ever could?" —John Lynch

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Smart Quote: Bob Goff

“Grace lets us hum the parts of our lives we don't understand while we figure out the words.” —Bob Goff

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Smart Quote: Tim Keller

“God is trying to say to all of us, ‘I love redeeming the worst situations. I love redeeming the hardest cases. Go ahead, try me.’” —Tim Keller

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Smart Quote: John Eldredge

“When it comes to loving a woman, the great divide lies between men as lovers and men as consumers. Does he seek her out, long for her, because he really yearns for her to meet some need in his life—a need for validation (she makes him feel like a man), or mercy, or simple sexual gratification? That man is a consumer. The lover, on the other hand, wants to fight for her—he wants to protect her, make her life better, wants to fill her heart in every way he can… Having his own heart awakened, he wants to know and love and free her heart.” —John Eldredge

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Smart Quote: Paul David Tripp

Do you find yourself often dissatisfied? Could it be that you're seeking "life" from people and places instead of the One who is "The Life"? —Paul David Tripp

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Smart Quote: John Bradford

“Faith must first go before, and then feeling will follow.” —John Bradford

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