Smart Quote: Nate Larkin

“I have found that for short stretches of time I can convince myself that I am being faithful to God if I define faithfulness in terms of only one behavior.” —Nate Larkin

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Smart Quote of the Week: Brother Lawrence

“You are young, my brethren; profit therefore I beseech you from my confession, that I cared too little to employ my early years for God. Consecrate all yours to His love. If I had only known Him sooner, if I had only had some one to tell me then what I am telling you, I should not have so long delayed in loving Him. Believe me, count as lost each day you have not used in loving God." —Brother Lawrence

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Smart Quote of the Week: John Piper

“Grace is the enabling gift of God not to sin. Grace is power, not just pardon.” —John Piper

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Smart Quote of the Week: Charles Spurgeon

“God’s mercy is so great that you may sooner drain the sea of its water, or deprive the sun of its light, or make space too narrow, than diminish the great mercy of God" —Charles Spurgeon

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Smart Quote of the Week: Francis of Assisi

“Above all the grace and the gifts that Christ gives to his beloved is that of overcoming self.” —Francis of Assisi

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Smart Quote of the Week: Dietrich Bonhoeffer

“Judging others makes us blind, whereas love is illuminating. By judging others we blind ourselves to our own evil and to the grace which others are just as entitled to as we are.” —Dietrich Bonhoeffer

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Smart Quote of the Week: Michael John Cusick


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Smart Quote of the Week: Brother Lawrence

“If you would go forward in the spiritual life, you must avoid relying on the subtle conclusions and fine reasonings of the unaided intellect. Unhappy they who seek to satisfy their desire within!” —Brother Lawrence

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Smart Quote of the Week: Bob Goff

“Quit only picking fights you can win; pick a couple only God could win. We were born to be brave.” —Bob Goff

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Smart Quote of the Week: Timothy Keller

“Legalistic remorse says, "I broke God's rules," while real repentance says, "I broke God's heart." —Timothy Keller

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