Top 10 Websites to Help You Overcome Pornography Addiction

Top Ten ListBelieve it or not, we’re not the only site on the internet dedicated to helping others find freedom from pornography addiction. Some may see these other sites as the competition, but I see them as members of the same team. So, for that reason, I would like to share with you ten sites that I personally follow and whole-heartedly recommend. These top 10 websites have been helpful in my own journey from pornography addiction, and I trust they will be equally helpful in yours as well.

1. XXXChurch

These guys are amazing. They offer articles, resources, self-assessment tests, accountability, and even filtering software. I thoroughly enjoy the various blogs found throughout the site, and am constantly encouraged by their stories of others finding freedom from pornography addiction. (Full disclosure: I do write for them from time to time.)

2. Freedom in Christ Ministries

Dr. Neil T. Anderson focuses on educating and equipping those who struggle with addictions by helping them better understand what true spiritual freedom looks like. My own journey to freedom began while reading The Bondage Breaker, one of Dr. Anderson’s Books.

3. Samson Society

A nationwide network of men who have chosen to come out of isolation and share their lives with one another. I highly recommend joining a Samson Group, as recovery becomes much more likely when you enter into a community of trusted brothers. Their Pirate Monk Radio podcast is one of my favorites.

4. TrueFace

TrueFace is dedicated to teaching “the original good news” of the Gospel. Their message of God’s grace and unconditional love changed my entire view of God, setting me free from the behavior-based religiosity that was contributing to my addiction.

5. Ransomed Heart

Freedom from addiction isn’t an outside-in transformation (IE: change your behavior in order to change your heart), it’s an inside-out transformation. Once your heart comes alive to Christ, your behavior will take care of itself. The ministry of Ransomed Heart is dedicated to helping men (and women) discover their true hearts and awakening them to the adventure God has called them into.

6. Route 1520 (Undone Redone)

Route1520 is built on the firm belief that individuals cannot change through mere willpower or simply learning Biblical principles and trying to carry them out. They believe that change takes place in community as we take the Gospel of Jesus Christ more deeply into our understanding and into our hearts. This process is a journey and not a quick-fix formula.

7. Setting Captives Free

Offers free online courses and materials to assist you in your journey to freedom, whether it be from pornography, over-eating, gambling, or any other addiction.

8. Your Brain on Porn

Focuses on the scientific approach to understanding the effects of pornography on the brain. If you like to geek out on stuff like dopamine-signaling, this is the site for you.

9. Covenant Eyes

One of the best things you can do as you start your recovery journey is to remove as much access to temptation as possible, and putting a filter in place is a great way to do so. On top of that, the accountability features make it easy to establish honest community with others you trust to walk with you on this path.

10. Dirty Girls Ministries

Not all porn users are men, and the percentage of female users is growing alarmingly fast. Dirty Girls Ministries exists to provide these women with help, hope, and healing from pornography and sexual addiction.

Are there other sites that you would you recommend?

Top 10 Books to Help You Overcome Pornography Addiction

Top Ten ListYou don’t need to read anything apart from the Word of God to find freedom from pornography addiction. That being said, these books have been very helpful for me in my journey to finding freedom in Christ. None of these books will give you a list of more things you need to do, nor will they tell you how you should try harder to change yourself. You probably know by now that stuff won’t work anyway.

51TP8m40ypLThe Bondage Breaker, Neil Anderson

The is the book that started my journey to freedom in Christ. It will open your eyes to who you are in Christ, the reality of spiritual warfare, and how Christ sets you free from the bondage in your life.

the-cure-coverThe Cure, John Lynch, Bruce McNicol, Bill Thrall

This book has changed my life more than any other. It’s as if the authors took everything God had taught me over my journey to freedom and put into one book in an easy-to-follow and understand format.

Check out my review of The Cure here.

wildatheartcoverWild at Heart, John Eldredge

God has put core desires into the heart of every man and Wild at Heart will help you discover and understand them. If you want to know what true biblical masculinity looks like, this is the book for you.

imagesBeautiful Outlaw, John Eldredge

Who was Jesus? What was He like? What was His personality like? This in-depth look at Jesus will challenge your view of who He is and what you envision Him to be like.

41comTSx5rL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_Desire, John Eldredge

You can ignore your desires—which will only bury them alive—causing them to show up as cheap, life-destroying substitutes (pornography, alcohol, anger, etc.), or you can live your life in direct pursuit of the deep desires within your heart that come from God. When you start to understand who God truly is, your desires will automatically shift away from sin and addiction and move towards Him.

{349AAD11-91D3-474B-B7AC-E3B1ED13AE93}Img400Classic Christianity, Bob George

Can I lose my salvation? Do I need to ask forgiveness every time I sin? Can I ever be good enough to get into Heaven? These are questions that can lead to either freedom or bondage depending on what you believe about them. Classic Christianity will help you find the answers to these questions in the Bible.

41rO+TDXkLL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_Surfing for God, Michael John Cusick

Michael John Cusick’s insights help readers understand how porn struggles begin, what to do to prevent them, and most importantly, how to overcome the compulsion once it begins. In the end, this powerful book shows us all how the barrier built by porn addiction can become a bridge to abundant life.

Check out my review of Surfing for God here.

51Dk5VxZ-4L._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_The Ragamuffin Gospel, Brennan Manning

Brennan Manning helps you realize that God loves you just as you are, and not as you “should” be, because He knows you will never be as you “should” be until you get to Heaven.

{F4B9DC3A-E2B1-4574-AB29-C711F7B375BE}Img400Sex God, Rob Bell

I highly recommend Sex God to anyone who is trying to develop a deeper understanding of the connection between their spirituality and their sexuality. When my daughter is older and our discussions about sexuality become deeper, this is the book I will recommend to her. It’s that good.

Check out my review of Sex God here.

41gIXsH+PsL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_10 Lies Men Believe about Porn, Stephen Kuhn

Yes, this is my book. But I shamelessly recommend it to you because I strongly believe the message I share throughout it. If you are looking for one single book to help you understand and experience God’s path to freedom from pornography, this is the book for you.

What books would you recommend?

Top 10 Podcasts to Help You Overcome Pornography Addiction

Top Ten ListIf you add up all the time I spend driving, walking, and hamstering around on a treadmill each week, you would see that I spend a ton of time listening to stuff on my phone. I could be using this time to listen to the latest Bieber album, but I prefer to use it in a more productive way. By listening to podcasts and sermons, I’m able to use these times to strengthen my understanding of the Scriptures and deepen my knowledge of recovery topics.

The following list of podcasts was copied straight from my own phone. I subscribe to every one of these and wholeheartedly recommend all of them. I trust that they will encourage you in your path to recovery as much as they have encouraged me.

1. Pirate Monk Radio

Each week, Nate Larkin and the guys interview guests, hold on-air recovery meetings, and share their lives openly and honestly with one another. It’s a great example of what a community of trusted brothers sounds like.

2. Undone Redone

Tray and Mel are a couple that know a thing or two about messy and who are thrilled that their divorce did not work out! They talk about the messiness of life…addiction and infidelity…grace and reconciliation…marriage and family…authenticity and faith.

3. Couples Healing From Pornography Addiction

Licensed therapist, Sam Tielemans, shares powerful tools to help couples fix their relationship after the impact of pornography addiction. His unique and new approach can help you to rebuild trust and develop a stronger connection in your marriage and leave the past behind you without rehashing it anymore.

4. Attitudes of Sexual Integrity (ASI) 

Host Russ Shaw gives you 21st century strategies fused with spiritual truth to help you find deliverance and victory.

5. PornFree Radio

Matt shares stories, inspiration, and encouragement from his own life, as well as skills and tools to help you become 100% pornfree. Whether your goal is improving your marriage, your business, or just making you a better dad, getting rid of the porn will free you to make it happen.

6. TrueFaced

John Lynch, Bill Thrall, and Bruce McNichol discuss the Biblical concepts taught by TrueFaced Ministries. Each week they tackle a new topic such as “What truly motivates our sin” and “Trusting God more is the only way we will ever sin less.”

7. Ransomed Heart Ministries

John Eldridge and Craig McConnell talk about the issues that effect men’s hearts in an unrehearsed, uninhibited, and unscripted manner.

8. Become Good Soil

Morgan Snyder has one of the most authentic approaches to Biblical Masculinity I’ve heard. This podcast is a combination of interviews with wise older men, conversations among peers, teaching and more; all aimed at providing nourishment for men choosing to Becoming Good Soil.

9. Voxology Podcast

Voxology is a collection of voices that question and discuss our culture’s most relevant topics in relation to Christ and Christianity. If you have serious questions about the church’s representation of Jesus, what he has done and the beauty of his work on earth today, join hosts Mike Erre and Tim Stafford and their guests to talk things out and find your way back to the true mission of Jesus.

10. Van City Church

Van City has some of the best teaching on the Bible, Christianity, and what it means to live your life as an apprentice of Jesus.

Are there additional podcasts that you would recommend?