Our Top 10 Most Popular Posts

Our top-10 most popular posts on Pornography Addiction, Bible-based Recovery, Jesus, and Christianity—in no particular order.…

My Story: How I Went from Living a Lie to a Life Worth Living

“I look back now and can’t see a moment where I wasn’t addicted to porn. I believe for me it began the instant I laid eyes on that magazine.”

Are You Defining Yourself by Your Sexuality?

“Rather than identifying yourself by your sexuality, I’d encourage you to first define yourself as a child of God, and then ask which of following categories your sexuality fits into…”

The “One Thing” You Need to Know to Get Free from Porn Addiction

“When it comes to finding freedom from porn addiction, we often approach it the same way. We look for an easy answer—a one-size-fits-all solution—that will work for everyone, every time, without fail.”

5 Ways Pornography Affects a Father’s Relationship with His Daughter

“Pornography hurts everyone involved, and the closer someone is to the user, the more likely they are to be deeply hurt.”

What The Secret Life of Walter Mitty Taught Me about Masculinity

“What happens if you ignore your desire for adventure, stop taking risks, and choose the “safe” life?”

How to Reach the Point where Porn is No Longer a Temptation

“I know this sounds too good to be true, but again, isn’t that why the Gospel is called the good news?”

Is God Asking You to Jump Off a Cliff?

“Trusting God is a lot like cliff jumping. There’s just no way to do it halfway.”

How Jesus Used a Cute Girl on a Bike to Remind Me of His Love

“No woman can ever desire you in a way that will fully satisfy your longing to be desired. Only My love can fill that hole in your heart.”

How Does Understanding My Identity Help Me Overcome Porn?

“If you have put your hope in Christ, you are a child of God…a saint who is dead to sin. It’s amazing the difference these truths will make in your life.”

Reader Q/A: Why is Pornography a Sin?

“I’ve received this question (in various forms) multiple times. In order to answer it effectively, though, we need to look at this as three independent questions, which will help us better understand why pornography is a sin.”