Each week, I round up the best resources, articles, and videos I find that are relevant to finding freedom from porn addiction. Please note that by posting a link here it does not mean I agree with everything in the linked article. It just means I found it interesting enough to share.
Garrett Kell: A Pattern Among Fallen Pastors – Lessons for Us All
“Prof’s study was of 246 men in full-time ministry who experienced moral failure within a two-year period of time. As far as he could discern, these full-time clergy were men who were born again followers of Jesus. Though they shared a common salvation, these men also shared a common feat of devastation; they had all, within 24 months of each other, been involved in an extra marital affair.”
xxxChurch: What is Porn?
“If you struggle with porn, sex, masturbation, or whatever – take your pick – and you need to ask yourself whether something is porn or not, then there’s a good chance it’s porn for you.”
Jen Thorn: The Dangers of Pet Sins
“Pet sins are those sins we believe we have domesticated. We view them as small and insignificant. We don’t fight against them, we feed them, and in some ways they make us feel good. But there is no such things as domesticated sin. All sin, even our ‘pet sins’ are dangerous.”
Jason Dees: Will You Go Out With Me? Rules for Biblical Dating
“With Spring just around the corner I thought it would be a great time to give you aspiring lovers out there some tips on dating. Now I know what you are thinking isn’t this guy a pastor? Who wants to get dating advice from a pastor? But my hope in this is only to help you, after all God created relationships, and so you would be a fool to not at least consider his a perspective on dating that is grounded in scripture.”