Each week, I round up the best resources, articles, and videos I find that are relevant to finding freedom from porn addiction. Please note that by posting a link here it does not mean I agree with everything in the linked article. It just means I found it interesting enough to share.
Desiring God: Ammunition for the Fight Against Porn
“Paul clearly assumes that we should already have the knowledge he is about to give us. He also believes that this knowledge will shape and govern our sexuality because of the power these truths contain. Good theology triumphs over biology.”
Randy Alcorn: Some Thoughts for Those Who Are Considering Divorce
“This is NOT an attack piece on the divorced. It is written for the many believers who may be considering a divorce too soon because it is a cultural norm. Please don’t feel judged, but this is to help some people even though it may be of no help to you.”
Family Studies: The Problem with Exposing Kids to Sexual and Violent Content
“Sex and violence are at an all-time high in the movies our children watch, the music they hear, and the games they play. And, in bad news for moms and dads a new study, published recently in Pediatrics, suggests that it is parents who are unknowingly dropping the ball.”
Paul David Tripp: Man Does Not Live by Man Skills Alone
“What does a real man look like? What do we do about the growing cultural dynamic of protracted boyhood? Who will teach our boys to be men? What does the Bible say about gender distinction? What does it teach about a man being a man? How different are men from women? These are ongoing debates whose conclusions will shape the lives of thousands of boys who are in the process of becoming men. The “manhood” conversation is something no serious Christian can avoid.”