Each week, I round up the best resources, articles, and videos I find that are relevant to finding freedom from porn addiction. Please note that by posting a link here it does not mean I agree with everything in the linked article. It just means I found it interesting enough to share.
Joshua Rodgers: The Right Time to Tell My Darkest Secret
“The thing was, when I was growing up, telling the story wasn’t an option. I simply knew that the wrong person had sexualized me at the wrong age, and I was never, ever to speak of it. But I desperately needed to get it off my chest.”
Credo House: Four Characteristics of Legalism
“Legalism is something we all lean toward in one way or another. Humanity has been plagued by this from the very beginning as we see in Job’s friends. Why is this? Well, we like to have everything under control. We don’t like risk. We don’t like it when things get uncomfortable. And showing grace, to ourselves and others, takes the ball out of our court. Rule, laws, and lists of requirements are so much easier than grace and freedom.”
Donald Miller: Before You Get Married, Do You Need to Talk About Money And Sex?
“Before my wife and I got married, I called my counselor friend Al to see if he would do our pre-marital counseling for us. His response really surprised me. He said basically, “no” and then explained how he didn’t like to do pre-marital counseling in the way you typically think about pre-marital counseling.”
Jaunita Ryan: Recovery from Distorted Images of God
“When we examine our private images of God and discover significant distortions, we may feel horrified at the thought that we could harbor such negative images of God. Viewing God in negative ways may seem unacceptable and frightening. In spite of our fears, however, I believe it is critical that we explore our private images of God.”