Each week, I round up the best resources, articles, and videos I find that are relevant to finding freedom from porn addiction. Please note that by posting a link here it does not mean I agree with everything in the linked article. It just means I found it interesting enough to share.
Relevant: The Youth Group Lessons I’ve Had to Unlearn
“I always stood there, blinking at that question. I still don’t really know, and I’ve been around the whole thing long enough to know that there’s no formula, no exact equation. But I think there are some problematic messages I learned growing up in church that we’re communicating to our youth still today.”
Intentional Warriors: To Beat Porn, Reclaim Desire
“Unless we live out of the promise and reality of a healed heart which is good — flowing with rivers of living water — we are merely holding on, trying not to sin. But that’s not what Jesus is after. And anyway, a life of trying not to sin is a sure way to fall back into sin.”
XXXChurch: 4 Unexpected Things That Happen When You Quit Porn
“When you quit porn, it means you risk the unpredictable maze of the human experience. I’m not overstating the case here. There are plenty of developmentally stunted young adults who cannot bear to endure rejection or even a friend who’s having a bad day, because they’re so used to clicking the kind of ‘friend’ they want to have. While it sounds safe to stay in a cave with a computer all the time, porn only makes you less human, and not more.”
CCEF: Engaging Our Emotions, Engaging with God
“If you are surprised to hear that God actually wants you to draw near to him when you feel like you are an emotional mess, remember this: the Bible views emotions as fundamentally good. How do I know this? Because we are image bearers of God and he has emotions. His joy, hate, wrath, compassion, jealousy and love are the model for ours.”