Each week, I round up the best resources, articles, and videos I find that are relevant to finding freedom from porn addiction. Please note that by posting a link here it does not mean I agree with everything in the linked article. It just means I found it interesting enough to share.
Randy Alcorn: If God Is Happy, Why Does He Seem Bad-Tempered?
“Sin is so prevalent and the Bible is written to point out and deal with the sin problem. Hence, we often do see a God with anger and wrath, and it’s easy to overlook all of the lovingkindness passages and all the passages about God delighting in His people and God being pleased.”
KeyLife: Lent Makes Me Feel Guilty
“One of the reasons I grieve for folks who insist on their own goodness is that they miss so much. It’s not their sin that is sad; it’s their stiffness. Once you start calling something right that God says is wrong—gluttony, sexual sin, arrogance, bitterness, lack of compassion, self-righteousness, etc.—you burn the bridge that leads to a God who will ‘hug’ you.”
CovenantEyes: How to Parent for Purity in the 21st Century
“My children now tell me their greatest fear was that we would not understand how they feel. But I do understand. I know what it is like to feel the allure of pornography even though I know it would destroy me. I know what it is like as a kid to be shown pornography by a friend. I know what it is like to feel ashamed at what I let myself see and allowed my mind to imagine.”
XXXChurch: 3 Ways to Stop Blaming Others and Finally Own Your Porn Problem
“The way to cut off the first sprout of blame is to free ourselves and others from the immediate conspiracy theories that pop up in our heads, and to offer openness instead.”