Each week, I round up the best resources, articles, and videos I find that are relevant to finding freedom from porn addiction. Please note that by posting a link here it does not mean I agree with everything in the linked article. It just means I found it interesting enough to share.
Cripplegate: Behavior Modification vs. Repentance
“Jesus knows a few things about humanity and the nature of personal change. The source of our thoughts, words, and behavior is not our bad day, lack of sleep, missing our workout, environmental conditions, or other circumstances ultimately. Sure, these things might make things harder. But the origin of what we do is our hearts. So, if we are going to truly change, it needs to start there.”
Samuel D. James: Evangelicals and Toxic Masculinity
“I don’t believe that historic Christian doctrines about marriage or sexuality cause toxic masculinity. I do, however, believe that sin causes it, and the conclusion that I’ve come to is the conclusion that I heard years ago and ignored: The American evangelical church has a blind spot when it comes to the sinful way our culture thinks of manhood.”
Momastery: Pe-Tish-ion
“When I was little — I looked at the one size fits none standard of beauty and thought: ‘There’s something wrong with me.’ And Tish will look at the same crap and say: ‘There’s something wrong with THAT.’”
Russel Moore: If You’ve Cheated, Should You Tell Your Spouse?
“Sometimes the act of confessing to a wife or husband seems like it would do more harm than good. I once got a letter from a man who said he committed adultery years ago, but the affair had lasted only a week and he had repented to God and others. The reason he was unsure about confessing to his wife was that the marriage was already going through difficulty, and he was deeply concerned that a bombshell like this would end the marriage and harm the children.”