Each week, I round up the best resources, articles, and videos I find that are relevant to finding freedom from porn and sexual addiction. Please note that by posting a link here it does not mean I agree with everything in the linked article. It just means I found it interesting enough to share.
Patheos | Sex and Authentic Desire: What Do You Really Want?
“[T]he Christian tradition insists that nothing in all of creation can fully satisfy a person. Dissatisfaction in itself needn’t imply immaturity; in fact, it is ingredient in what it means to be human. Christians of every make and model know that Augustine had it right: ‘You had made us for yourself, and our heart is restless until it rests in you.'”
Steve McVey | Is God Angry?
“Sadly, I’ve seen that many people share the perception I had of God’s character and personality. Maybe you haven’t been so far gone as to believe that God would let you have a flat tire simply because you didn’t have your quiet time. But my earlier legalistic foolishness highlights the importance of our understanding of God’s nature.”
Benjamin L. Corey | Rethinking Romans 8:28
“There’s a big difference between ‘all things working together for good’ and ‘God working in all things for good.’ In one, God is the causing agent. In the other, God is relentless and unstoppable– he becomes willing and able to take anything you can throw at him, and still find a way to work for good.”
Rob Armstrong | God Has a Reason: A Biblical View of Human Sexuality and Sex
“The conversation about human sexuality, sexual activity, and the role of sex finds its beginning in understanding the relationship of humanity to God. A Christian understanding of the relationship between God and humanity is founded upon the Bible. A biblical understanding of God’s purpose and design for humanity provides the context for rightly understanding all aspects of life, including sexuality and sex.”
The Good Book | How I found freedom from gender confusion
“I didn’t want to be a woman; in the early days I think, above all, I just wanted to be normal. Even as the hiding places in my bedroom filled up with second-hand lingerie, I clung to the hope that one day I’d be ‘cured’—that the urge would disappear completely, or that the sense of disgust I felt whenever I yielded would prove strong enough to stop me yielding the next time. Failing that, I longed for the definition of normal to change—to learn that cross-dressing was actually something perfectly natural and wholesome, something everyone did. I wanted the struggle to end—either in victory, or in acceptance.”