Each week, I round up the best resources, articles, and videos I find that are relevant to finding freedom from porn and sexual addiction. Please note that by posting a link here it does not mean I agree with everything in the linked article. It just means I found it interesting enough to share.
CovenantEyes | Changing How We See Beauty
“We must begin to look at women and people that we would objectify, not according to the flesh such as to arouse our own lusts; but understand that each individual represents a treasured person.”
XXXchurch | 4 Things to Look for to Determine If You Can Trust Your Sex-Addicted Spouse
“Ask any sexually-betrayed partner and they will tell you that while the infidelity itself is like a punch in the gut, worse still are dishonesty and lying. While they hate the betrayal, they detest the lack of integrity displayed in attempting to cover the tracks. At some point, the focus on rebuilding trust is as critical as helping the sex-addicted partner manage the addiction itself.”
Gospel Coalition | How to Encourage Honesty About Sin without Excusing It
“Life together in the body of Christ requires a healthy degree of openness and honesty about sin and temptation. ‘Confess your sins to one another,’ the apostle James writes (5:16). But how do we be vulnerable about our sin without simply excusing it?”
Pete Wilson | The Questions that Haunt Us
“So to all of my friends with broken or discouraged hearts. Let’s choose today (yes, in the midst of our difficulties) to believe that one day light will win over the darkness, love will win over hate, and all things will be redeemed and exist the way they were intended… and until that day, HE IS CLOSE. Closer than you ever imagined. Loving deeper than you’ve ever felt.”
Scott Slayton | How Can I Know that I am a Christian?
“The thrill of my early Christian assurance soon ran into the brutal reality that I was still a sinner. This led to my lack of assurance returning with fury. Wanting to turn to the Bible to find assurance, I misread the tests in 1 John and only found assurance based on how well I was obeying God. This led to an unhealthy roller coaster.”