Each week, we roundup the best links, articles, and videos we find that are relevant to finding freedom from pornography addiction. Please note that by posting a link here it doesn’t necessarily mean we agree with everything in the linked article. It just means we found it interesting enough to share.
Covenant Eyes: Break Porn Addiction—5 Lessons I Learned Along the Way
“As God has brought healing into my life, there are five key lessons I have learned, and each one has been crucial to my freedom.”
Redemption Pictures: Unlearning Christianity
“…somewhere between discipleship classes and Bible quizzing competitions and Christian worldview courses, the bottom fell out. I couldn’t learn fast enough to keep up with the aching desire to not only know, but experience the one we call God.”
Storyline: Knowing What You Want Will Keep You From Making Bad Decisions
“Ever wonder why Joseph didn’t sleep with Potiphar’s wife? He certainly could have.”