Each week, we roundup the best links, articles, and videos we find that are relevant to finding freedom from pornography addiction. Please note that by posting a link here it doesn’t necessarily mean we agree with everything in the linked article. It just means we found it interesting enough to share.
Gospel Coalition: Fifty Shades, Twilight, and Teaching Young Women to Desire Abusers
“The study found that compared with nonreaders, females who read at least the first novel were more likely than nonreaders to have had, during their lifetime, a partner who shouted, yelled, or swore at them and who delivered unwanted calls/text messages; they were also more likely to report fasting and using diet aids to lose weight at some point during their lifetime. ”
XXXChurch: Is Being Open Safe?
“There’s just something about telling someone you fell to masturbation or pornography that doesn’t exactly feel welcome in our day. Who wants to leave the security of a good, commendable image and throw themselves under the bus of their own immorality?”
Experimental Theology: God’s Unconditional Love
“About two years ago there was a discussion we had out at the prison bible study that has haunted me. I keep thinking about it.”