Each week, I round up the best resources, articles, and videos I find that are relevant to finding freedom from porn addiction. Please note that by posting a link here it does not mean I agree with everything in the linked article. It just means I found it interesting enough to share.
Wm. Paul Young: Why Everyone Should Have Their Dark Secrets Exposed
“What you might not know is that sexual abuse was a frequent part of my childhood. In fact I don’t remember life as a little boy without it being the one constant. Everything else was motion, but this reality was present everywhere I was.”
Relevant: 5 Ways Porn Ruins Relationships
“The consequences of pornography can be seen in many different areas of life, but here are some of the relational consequences of being addicted to porn.”
xxxChurch: 3 Ways To Love Someone With A Porn Problem
“In this colossal issue of porn addiction in our world, those of us who claim the mantle of ‘Christ Follower’ live in a unique place. We are a people called to love, forgive, and even heal the broken and addicted and ashamed.”
Richard Beck: The Church is Dying and I Couldn’t Be More Excited
“I’ve been dipping into this post-Christian world over here in the UK, the place where America is heading, and I wanted to share a few things.”