Weekly Web (W)roundup


Each week, I round up the best resources, articles, and videos I find that are relevant to finding freedom from porn addiction. Please note that by posting a link here it does not mean I agree with everything in the linked article. It just means I found it interesting enough to share.

Desiring God: Self-Control and the Power of Christ

“Self-control is simply that important, impressive, and nearly impossible practice of learning to maintain control of the beast of one’s own sinful passions. It means remaining master of your own domain not only in the hunky-dory, but also when faced with trial or temptation. Self-control may be the epitome of ‘easier said than done.’”

First Things: The Pornographic Double-Bind

“Male sexual behavior, always a bit difficult to pin down in one place, is moving steadily now in a direction either free of partners or else devoid of long-term commitment to just one woman, aided at every turn by technology. Outside the Church, the revolution runs uncontested, as account after account continues to reveal. Inside the Church, we still seem to have trouble admitting that men are attracted to naked women.”

Reformation 21: The Seven Deadly Sins in a Digital Age—Lust

“When the subject of ‘Lust in a digital age’ comes up, our minds are likely to jump immediately to the suffocating epidemic of internet pornography that is sweeping our country–indeed, the world. Although it is still rarely openly discussed, most of us are probably dimly aware of the statistics, which are terrifying, and the anecdotes, which are more terrifying still.”

Ragamuffin Soul: Why the Biggest Issue Facing the Church is Not Addressing Homosexuality, and it Never Will Be…

“I hear it all the time… ‘The biggest issue the church is facing is addressing the issue of homosexuality.’ Excuse me if I rant for a moment… How is this the biggest issue the church is facing?”

Matt Chandler: That is the Grace

Weekly Web (W)roundup


Each week, I round up the best resources, articles, and videos I find that are relevant to finding freedom from porn addiction. Please note that by posting a link here it does not mean I agree with everything in the linked article. It just means I found it interesting enough to share.

Relevant Magazine: How the Church Should Talk About Sex

“There are no lack of posts these days about how the Church has misled entire generations when it comes to sex. It is a stark example of the best of intentions gone wrong. What began as a reaction to an increasingly sex-obsessed culture has unraveled into an avoidance of the obvious (at best) or a guilt-laden, shame filled diatribe (at worst).”

ERLC.com: Satan’s Strategy to Destroy Your Marriage Before it Begins

“What had gone wrong? How had Satan slipped into this young couple’s marriage? As we unpacked some of their history, I discovered that he hadn’t sabotaged them on their honeymoon or in the early months of figuring out married life. Instead, he’d begun his work before they even made it to the altar.”

The Gospel CoalitionHelp, I Married the Wrong Person

“When marriage gets difficult, or our kids are ungrateful, it’s easy to look at the past and think, I made the wrong decision. I married the wrong person. Let me assure you: you didn’t.”

XXXChurch: Is There Really a Difference Between Slip-Ups and Relapses?

“A man who joined our X3LA group about two years ago decided on his own to have a new approach to his sobriety dates. I write ‘dates’ and not ‘date’ because this man was frequently resetting his sobriety date as he returned repeatedly to pornography.”

Lecrae: Runners

Weekly Web (W)roundup


Each week, I round up the best resources, articles, and videos I find that are relevant to finding freedom from porn addiction. Please note that by posting a link here it does not mean I agree with everything in the linked article. It just means I found it interesting enough to share.

The Gospel Coalition: God Has Changed You And is Changing You

“Would you be more likely to say ‘God is changing me’ or ‘God has changed me’? Many Christians are comfortable saying the former, but some of us might hesitate to say the latter: ‘God has changed me.’ We are much more likely to say, ‘I have a lot more changing to do. I’m a work in progress. I haven’t yet arrived.’”

XXXChurch: 5 Things You May Not Know About Boundaries

“Boundaries are a good and healthy way to help families function – why would limiting access to pornography be any different? We set up boundaries to help keep porn out of our home. We have internet filters and accountability software, we screen our movies ahead of time, we keep our computers out in the open, and we don’t allow our children on the internet unsupervised.”

Christians in Context: All the Law and the Prophets…in a Piece of Fruit

“We’re all familiar with the story. In fact, if you grew up in the church, you’re probably so familiar with the story that there’s no surprise, no suspense left in it. But Genesis 3 is an epic drama. The fate of the entire human race hanging in the balance as good and evil are paraded across this cosmic stage. It was Shakespearean before Shakespearean was cool.”

Covenant Eyes: Building Trust Despite His Relapses—Hope for Wives of Porn Addicts

“This is a story I hear a lot from women: ‘My husband just can’t seem to kick the habit. We’ve been in this fight for years now. Whenever he gets caught, he seems to feel really badly about it. He’ll do all the right things. He seems really open about it. He’ll confess to me and others, he’ll block all the sites he’s used, he’ll go to counseling. But a few weeks or months later, he’s back in it again. I just don’t know what to do any more.’”

Imagine Dragons: Demons

Weekly Web (W)roundup


Each week, I roundup the best resources, articles, and videos I find that are relevant to finding freedom from porn addiction. Please note that by posting a link here it does not mean I agree with everything in the linked article. It just means I found it interesting enough to share.

Christianity Today: Act Like Men, part 3—Men Treat Women with Respect

“…the men who regularly download and trade nude photos of celebrities do not understand what it truly means to be a man. They are pro-exploitation whether they realize it or not. Exploiting a woman’s image is still exploitation—even if she sends it to you to keep you from looking at (other) porn.”

Covenant Eyes: The Apostle Paul’s Secret to Fighting Sexual Sin

“Hugh Hefner didn’t invent sexual sin. It is a problem that has been around since our ancestors walked east of Eden, and it will be around until the new Jerusalem descends upon us. The good news is that the Bible promises that we can experience foretastes of that coming freedom in the here and now. But how? “

XXXChurch: Are You In Love With a Person or Just With Sex?

“It might be a mere coincidence (although I seriously doubt it), but I have yet to counsel a couple who waited until marriage to have sex with each other. Not one. “

Spiritual Friendship: Thinking One More Time About “Identity” and “Behavior”

“What I was asking myself today, though, was—once again—why the ‘traditional view of marriage’ provokes so much anger in our culture.”

Fight the New Drug: The History of Pornography & The New Anti-Porn Movement

Weekly Web (W)roundup


Each week, I roundup the best resources, articles, and videos I find that are relevant to finding freedom from porn addiction. Please note that by posting a link here it does not mean I agree with everything in the linked article. It just means I found it interesting enough to share.

Tim Challies: Don’t Expect Unbelievers To Act Like Believers 

“It is something I see again and again, and something that baffles me every time: People who expect unbelievers to act like believers. So often I see Christians acting surprised that their non-Christian friends or family members are acting like non-Christians.”

Sammy Adebiyi: 10 Reasons Your Sin Hasn’t Disqualified You From Being Used By God.

“God intentionally and consistently called people in his story to overcome sin but never has God disqualified people from his story because of their sin. So no, contrary to how you feel, you’re not disqualified from God’s story. “

Huffington Post: When Sex Addicts Reveal Everything to Spouses

“Whatever its origin, sex addiction takes a heavy toll on not just the addict, but on all those with whom he or she has formed close relationships. As the addict enters recovery, stops their sexually destructive behaviors and begins to work through personal trauma with an experienced therapist, it soon becomes glaringly apparent that the relationship between the addict and his or her partner is also in need of significant repair. “

Pastor Bob: Father Of Lies!

Weekly Web (W)roundup


Each week, I roundup the best resources, articles, and videos I find that are relevant to finding freedom from porn addiction. Please note that by posting a link here it does not mean I agree with everything in the linked article. It just means I found it interesting enough to share.

XXXChurch: Are We Free To Screw Up? 

“We have long had a policy where X3group leaders needed to be sober for a minimum of one year before they could take over a group. We recently interviewed someone to become a leader, and though all his references came back sparkling and I personally vouched for this guy, in his honest interview he told us he’d looked at porn four months earlier.”

Christianity Today: Should there be room for Christians to ‘mess up’ in their walk of faith?

“An interesting conversation around the recovery from porn and sexual addiction has been going on over at the XXXChurch.com blog these last few days.”

The Village Church: Jesus Said to Leave Her Alone

“Men have a propensity to join in when women are being mocked or exploited. Men tend to stand by and not ‘rock the boat’ when those around us are engaged in offensive language or actions. But godly men must intercede when an opportunity arises to exercise our God-given charge to care for others.”

Carrollton: Holding On To You

Weekly Web (W)roundup


Each week, I roundup the best resources, articles, and videos I find that are relevant to finding freedom from porn addiction. Please note that by posting a link here it does not mean I agree with everything in the linked article. It just means I found it interesting enough to share.

Covenant Eyes: Destroying Porn Addiction Starts with Destroying Shame 

“Destroying porn addiction starts when we choose to confront the shame we feel around it. We must choose to come out of hiding, confess our struggle with others, and build safeguards that prevent us from hiding ever again.”

Fierce Marriage: 4 Surprising Facets of Transparency in Marriage

“When we talk about transparency, the response is nearly unanimous: it’s a vital part of marriage and relationships. You really can’t build a meaningful bond with your spouse if you’re hiding part of yourself. But most often, hiding is our first instinct.”

Gospel Coalition: Mutual Confession—A Holy Experiment

“Our secrets are usually secret for good reason. Our secrets are the worst of ourselves. Our secrets are foibles, faults, and harmful follies that have pierced the hearts of others, and far worse, the heart of God himself. Many times, our greatest secrets conceal our gravest sins.”

TrueFaced: Very First Moment

Weekly Web (W)roundup


Each week, I roundup the best resources, articles, and videos I find that are relevant to finding freedom from porn addiction. Please note that by posting a link here it does not mean I agree with everything in the linked article. It just means I found it interesting enough to share.

Relevant Magazine: 8 Warning Signs Your Marriage Might Be In Trouble 

“Old-time miners used to keep canaries down in the mines where they dug. Before there were sophisticated instruments, the best way to detect the slow leak of poisonous gas was to have a canary—with tiny lungs—serve as an organic ‘meter.’ If the canary died, poisonous gas was likely leaking out and the miners got above ground as soon as possible. So, what are the ‘canaries’ for marriage? What are some of the signs that a marriage is really in trouble?”

XXXChurch: Secrets

“As a pastor, you get to hear a lot of secrets; but how often do you get to tell your own? I don’t know if you have ever told somebody a secret, but it feels really good. Whether it’s a secret about some new direction your life is taking, or about the surprise party you’re throwing for your best friend’s birthday, or the news about a baby on the way, getting it off your chest and into the air, into someone else’s brain, is a freeing sensation.”

CCEF: Why Keep Sexual Boundaries?

“Recently, I was talking with an older, single man who keeps drifting back into sexual sin. It’s as if the tide of sexuality is going to win in the end—like he is destined to postpone sexual sin—but not to beat it. That way of thinking is scary enough, but there is more.”

Glennon Doyle Melton: Lessons from the Mental Hospital

Weekly Web (W)roundup


Each week, I roundup the best links, articles, and videos I find that are relevant to finding freedom from pornography addiction. Please note that by posting a link here it does not mean I agree with everything in the linked article. It just means I found it interesting enough to share.

Donny’s Ramblings: How Porn Affects Us—A List of Peer Reviewed Studies, as well as Magazine Articles 

“At the 2003 meeting of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, a gathering of the nation’s divorce lawyers, attendees documented a startling trend. Nearly two-thirds of the attorneys present had witnessed a sudden rise in divorces related to the Internet; 58% of those were the result of a spouse looking at excessive amounts of pornography online.”

XXXChurch: 3 Things That Kept This Pastor On Porn

“I can clearly remember the crushing weight of carrying my secret porn addiction onto the church stage each week. It felt like a million pounds on my chest. At times I wondered whether or not a person could die from stress. If so, I certainly felt like a candidate.”

The Gospel Coalition: That Relationship will not Complete You

“As you look on your singleness you can feel dissatisfied and even begin thinking of yourself as a second-class citizen because you lack your true soulmate. In an attempt to fill the void you spend months, and sometimes years, searching for the mythical “one” who will supposedly meet your needs and give meaning to your life.”

Pastor Bob Beeman: Repent! Wait … What?

Weekly Web (W)roundup


Each week, I roundup the best links, articles, and videos I find that are relevant to finding freedom from pornography addiction. Please note that by posting a link here it does not mean I agree with everything in the linked article. It just means I found it interesting enough to share.

Christward Collective: Why Not Sin? 

“As a Christian, why not sin? We could give a myriad of answers to that question. However, the best answer is supplied by Paul in Romans 6. Paul could have talked about the misery that sin brings, the pain that it inflicts upon others, the consequences which flow from it, or the penalty that Christ had to pay for it. But that is not where he first turns.”

Breakpoint: The Pornification of the Church

“A group called Proven Men Ministries commissioned the Barna Group to examine current pornography use. You might want to sit down for this—Barna found that 64 percent of American men and 20 percent of women view pornography at least monthly. And for Christian men, that number is 55 percent.”

Covenant Eyes: My Husband Was a Porn Addict—How He Earned Back My Trust

“He had already tried, many times, to stop looking at porn on his own. He had prayed and asked God to take the desires away. He struggled for years. He got so frustrated that he finally gave up and quit trying to quit—all while working every day with Scripture as a Bible translator. Ironic.”

Sy Rogers: Submitting Your Sexuality to God