Each week, we roundup the best links, articles, and videos we find that are relevant to finding freedom from pornography addiction. Please note that by posting a link here it doesn’t necessarily mean we agree with everything in the linked article. It just means we found it interesting enough to share.
Christ and Pop Culture: Living in a World of “Little Boys With Their Porno”
“Earlier this year, Arcade Fire released their highly anticipated double album Reflektor to considerable fanfare. While much of the subsequent attention has been focused on songs like the title track, ‘Here Comes The Night Time,’ and ‘Afterlife’—and understandably so—there’s one song on Reflektor that has stuck with me since my earliest listening sessions, but that seems to have flown under most critics’ radars: the bluntly titled ‘Porno.’”
Cripplegate: May I marry for looks? An Open Letter to Single Male Idiots
“I have been asked this same question by many of your ilk. To be more honest than I’d be if I were posting this answer on a blog, I confess I have made that same enquiry myself. The conventional wisdom I received was that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. That is true, but some beholders are idiots. I was one of them.”
XXXChurch: 8 Can’t-Miss Ways to Ruin Your Church with a Porn Problem
“If you want to see your church ravaged by a sex or porn scandal, then follow this plan and you are well on your way.”