Weekly Web (W)roundup


Each week, I round up the best resources, articles, and videos I find that are relevant to finding freedom from porn and sexual addiction. Please note that by posting a link here it does not mean I agree with everything in the linked article. It just means I found it interesting enough to share.

Key Life | Women and Lust

“Women who struggle with lust often think they are alone. Most of the time when they hear others talk about problems with sexual addiction, they’re referencing men. But women also struggle with these issues, and they need encouragement to bring their struggle into the open where they can experience the forgiveness and freedom Jesus offers.”

John Eldredge | What Does It Mean That God Will ‘Restore Everything’?

“How is God going to make it all right? How is He going to redeem all of the suffering and loss of this world—and in your own life? Our hearts cry out for restoration. Not escape—restoration. Offering this hurting world the eternal church service in the sky just isn’t going to cut it. Thank God. It’s a horrible view of the future and totally unbiblical.”

Janet Newberry | Once upon a time…a story to read to the child in you

“The boy learned the name of the life-giving tree; His Father called it the Trust Me tree.  The Father said the boy could eat as much fruit from this tree as he wanted.  He said this fruit would help the boy grow strong and wise; this Trust Me fruit would help the boy grow up.”

Fierce Marriage | 3 Ground Rules for Experiencing Real Honesty with Your Spouse

“Almost every married couple has faced or will face issues like these in their union. The thing is, they’re usually just symptoms of a greater problem; one that can’t be identified without honest conversation.”

John Lynch | Heart of Man

Weekly Web (W)roundup


Each week, I round up the best resources, articles, and videos I find that are relevant to finding freedom from porn and sexual addiction. Please note that by posting a link here it does not mean I agree with everything in the linked article. It just means I found it interesting enough to share.

Covenant Eyes | Finding Freedom from the Cave of Shame

“The moment you put your faith in what Jesus did on the cross for you, all manner of incredible happens to you. Near the top of the astonishing list of realities is this: You receive a brand new core identity. Your shame story, all of it, was eradicated at the cross.”

X3Church | 3 Ways To Beat The Shame

“Shame is an enemy that we all deal with and something that the porn addict is only all too familiar with.  One of the reasons that pornography maintains such a strong hold on men (and women) is the incredible shame that comes along with viewing it.”

Relevant | The Difference Between Accountability and Shaming Is Really Important

“Those four words—can you help me—have the power to change our lives. The moment where our desire for change overcomes our insecurity about asking for help is the moment we discover a new sense of personal momentum.”

Key Life | How to Love a Jerk Like Me

“As a Christian, it can be hard to know when and how to stand up for what, and when. It’s humility that brings us to God, but then we beef up our egos on the idea that we are the only people with truth. But the truth we’re privy to isn’t what we make it out to be. It’s not some unified political theory or certainty about how to react in every situation, it’s a simple message of God’s love for all.”

Artist Spotlight | Tony Anderson

Weekly Web (W)roundup


Each week, I round up the best resources, articles, and videos I find that are relevant to finding freedom from porn and sexual addiction. Please note that by posting a link here it does not mean I agree with everything in the linked article. It just means I found it interesting enough to share.

Relevant | Science Proves the Value of Emotional Honesty

“The findings were intriguing because I am so quick to think the strongest are usually the quietest. Isn’t that how it goes? Whomever complains the least, whomever can stand the pain the longest without a word spoken, those are the individuals to aspire to be like? These silent individuals are the toughest of specimens.”

Desiring God | Seven Promises to Pray Against Porn

“Right now, in Christ, you are free. You must believe it. You are not doomed to digital dungeons. Don’t go online with palms up and wrists ready for sin’s chains.”

Head Heart Hand | Loneliness is Killing Us

“I encourage you to make the time. Find the regular, standing appointment. Fellowship with the men in your church. Don’t be afraid of the awkwardness or effort it takes to do this. Modern research is showing us what God has told us all along: It is not good for man to be alone.”

CovenantEyes | Why is my husband so angry? It all comes down to shame.

“If we look at the core beliefs of a sex addict we see even more reasons for them to be angry. A sex addict believes he is an unworthy and unlovable person. He usually learned at a young age that he can depend on no one but himself. An exception to this is the addict with a doting parent (usually mother) who learned that he must be incapable of taking care of himself since she does everything for him…reinforcing the feelings of being unworthy. This kind of self-loathing once again is exhibited as displaced anger, usually directed toward wife, kids, or intimate objects.”

Andrew T. Walker | Should You Call a Transgender Person “Him” or “Her”?

Weekly Web (W)roundup


Each week, I round up the best resources, articles, and videos I find that are relevant to finding freedom from porn and sexual addiction. Please note that by posting a link here it does not mean I agree with everything in the linked article. It just means I found it interesting enough to share.

Wesley Hill | Sex for Christians: Self-Giving and Sanctifying

“Eventually, without ever losing this radical preference for celibacy, the early Christians came to realize that marriage, too, could be a way of pointing to the same resurrection hope. St. Augustine, who often (half the time unfairly, it must be said) gets a bad rap for being anti-sex, was the church father who saw clearly that finding a spouse, having sex, and starting a family could also point you toward heaven. Marriage itself, with sexual intimacy as its seal, could be a kind of parable of the way Jesus binds himself in love to the church as a whole.”

Brad Hambrick | Why Your Pastor Can’t Be More Practical than You Are Honest

“The reality is no one – regardless of how strong their gift of teaching or keen their insights into the human condition – can be more practical than we are honest. This is not an indictment on their ability to teach, but on our ability to receive.”

Desiring God | You Can’t Turn from Temptation on Your Own

“If you ask, how does the renewal happen? How does the mind of the spirit get altered so that I’m not in rebellion anymore, and I’m not finding more pleasure in me, but more in God? The answer is, the Holy Spirit comes and does a double work.”

The Wardrobe Door | When Jesus Didn’t Call His Father Good

“For Jesus, He has had that deep personal relationship with God the Father for eternity. Stretching back, beyond the dawn of creation, that connection was there. Except the one instance when it wasn’t.”

Hillsong | So Will I

Weekly Web (W)roundup


Each week, I round up the best resources, articles, and videos I find that are relevant to finding freedom from porn and sexual addiction. Please note that by posting a link here it does not mean I agree with everything in the linked article. It just means I found it interesting enough to share.

Relevant | What Christian Culture Gets Wrong About Purity

“Our relationship with Jesus is a lot like a cup of coffee. The goal is to transform water into something else. It’s simple. Beans and water. Put them together. But if you take some beans and drop them into water, have you made coffee? No. What you have is not the morning pick-me-up you were looking for, it’s soggy beans inside of dirty water. It’s not one new substance, it’s two objects occupying the space.”

Gospel Coalition | Race, the Gospel, and the Moment

“First, Christians should look at the energized and emboldened white nationalism movement, and at its fascist slogans, and condemn it—full stop.”

TrueFace | The Beautiful Questions

“His quote gives even more urgency for me personally to live out of my identity in Christ. To ask the questions that get to form when I am no longer fighting to prove that I am enough, or hiding from the things I fear will confirm I am not enough. When that game diminishes, such beautiful questions emerge.”

Desiring God | Does God Like Me?

“Thomas Goodwin understood the human heart. He knew how easily Christians tend to feel defeated in life. He knew we naturally develop a sense that we are disappointing God, letting him down. He knew it is hardwired into us to view God as parsimonious instead of greathearted. But Goodwin also understood that the antidote to this debilitating cloud of ambiguity is provided by the Bible itself.”

Propaganda | G.O.S.P.E.L.

Weekly Web (W)roundup


Each week, I round up the best resources, articles, and videos I find that are relevant to finding freedom from porn and sexual addiction. Please note that by posting a link here it does not mean I agree with everything in the linked article. It just means I found it interesting enough to share.

LifeWay Men | The Importance of Knowing God as Father

“To see healing in our lives, homes, and cities, we must truly see God as our Father and know that we have access to Him through His Son, Jesus, our Brother. Only when we fully live from our identity as children of the Most High can we embrace His calling for our lives. Once we know we have a Father who deeply loves us and passionately pursues us, we can begin the process of embracing our high calling to make disciples.”

Tim Challies | 10 Issues To Work Through Before You Get Married

“It is rare that a couple enters marriage without a romantic and sexual history (with one another or with others) and these issues can be very difficult to discuss resolve. They can put an immense weight on a young marriage. Have you spoken to your future spouse about their sexual history in sufficient detail that you know enough? Have you asked and extended forgiveness for whatever sexual history you have accumulated?”

AndSons | Recovering the Romance

“A shocking, massive revelation for many people to hear that God cares about—even yearns for—the life of our hearts. That our hearts even matter to God is one of the greatest, most hopeful turns of faith that can come into our lives.”

Relevant | 16 Cringeworthy Dating-Themed Sermon Titles (Satire)

“There’s one thing worse than not preaching about sex at all, and that’s preaching about sex in the way of these sermon titles (that we made up) listed below.”

Heart of Man | Official Movie Trailer

Weekly Web (W)roundup


Each week, I round up the best resources, articles, and videos I find that are relevant to finding freedom from porn and sexual addiction. Please note that by posting a link here it does not mean I agree with everything in the linked article. It just means I found it interesting enough to share.

Covenant Eyes | Theology of the Body: On Sex and the Meaning of Life

“When we don’t know our life’s purpose or forget our identity, it becomes so easy to engage in activities that compromise who we’ve been created to be. And for those caught in porn’s grip, I believe that the Theology of the Body can help you understand and remember your identity and purpose and help you put porn in your past.”

Ransomed Heart | Your Spouse is Not the Enemy

“We all feel from time to time that we have an enemy, but who would we say that is? Our spouse—right? Sometimes you just walk into the room and see them and they feel like the enemy. ‘One day out of three,’ a friend cynically said to me.”

Your Mom Has a Blog | There is a Better Way to Experience Sexuality, and Christian Parents Need to Be Talking About It

“We have to teach our kids that one of the greatest gifts of God is the intimacy between a man and a woman who have committed themselves to loving every inch of each other’s heart and soul. We have to teach them that great sex is safe sex, in the arms of the person who has vowed to hold us up when we need it, who has promised that no illness or accident, no outside interest, no schemes of this world will separate us. We have to show them what it looks like to be in love.”

Gospel Coalition | The Hypocrisy of Phariseephobia

“The Pharisee and the heterosexual-and-proud-of-it person, the prostitute and the homosexual person—all are equally human and equally fallen. Each of us owes a great debt we can’t pay on our own. Jesus never intended for the church to spend time ranking sins on a scale. Instead of asking ‘Which sin is greater?’ we should instead proclaim that God’s grace is greater than any sin.”

Max Lucado | He Thinks You’re Wonderful

Weekly Web (W)roundup


Each week, I round up the best resources, articles, and videos I find that are relevant to finding freedom from porn and sexual addiction. Please note that by posting a link here it does not mean I agree with everything in the linked article. It just means I found it interesting enough to share.

Key Life | How Can I Be Assured of My Salvation?

“Grace is a function of God’s love; it is not based on our actions or behavior. As Christians, we have been called to live in the freedom of Christ—His gift to us. The fact is, as hard as it is to accept at certain times, Christ has already paid for our sin, struggles and guilt. Shame should lead us back to God, but it often causes us to turn from Him.”

AndSons | It Takes Two

“That is something I hope to emulate in my marriage: the ability to have long-term vision, to see beyond small seasons and small fights in the car, to know that what is truly lasting are the choices I make for the health of my family and my wife. It’s easy for me to get sucked into a new season and to think it is the ultimate season, the only thing that is real, but when I remember that we have come through so much already and have so much life ahead, I am able to live better.”

Jared Wilson | His Eye is on the Sasquatch

“I like that God teases us with these mysteries. So long as the mystery of Christ has been revealed, and we have all that we need to be saved and to work out that salvation, I am totally cool with these little misty visions haunting the created order, always one step ahead of us, peeking around trees, leaving mushy footprints, stray hairs, sketchy images. They help me delight in God’s delight. They help me remember this world is wondrous, and it belongs to the God who spoke the cosmos into being without breaking a sweat.”

Princeton University | At the cellular level, a child’s loss of a father is associated with increased stress

“The absence of a father — due to incarceration, death, separation or divorce — has adverse physical and behavioral consequences for a growing child. But little is known about the biological processes that underlie this link between father loss and child well-being.”

Stories of Grace | D C Williams

Weekly Web (W)roundup


Each week, I round up the best resources, articles, and videos I find that are relevant to finding freedom from porn and sexual addiction. Please note that by posting a link here it does not mean I agree with everything in the linked article. It just means I found it interesting enough to share.

Key Life | It Hurts to Love You

“Christians, do you understand that it would be easier to love you, and you would be free if you would just own your offenses, and admit it when you have been using people instead of loving them? As it stands, it is easier to love you from a distance because it hurts too much to love you up close.”

Experimental Theology | Burning Love is the Outcry of the Heart

“The chilling of love means that the heart is silent; while burning love is the outcry of the heart. If your love is without ceasing, you are crying out always; if you always cry out, you are always desiring; and if you desire, you are calling to mind your eternal rest in the Lord.”

A Small Work | Christian Discipleship for the Rest of Us

“You see, grace is for everyone. It’s certainly for those who don’t yet know Jesus, who need to run to him for forgiveness, love, and righteousness. But grace is for Christians, too. Put more strongly, grace is not just available for believers, it’s essential. How could we begin following Jesus by grace and continue on without it?”

J.D. Greer | Marriage Is Not About You; Divorce Is All About You

“When I know that marriage is about God, I’ll stick it out in hard times, because I know God’s name, not my needs, is the ultimate thing of importance.”

TrueFace | The Path

Weekly Web (W)roundup


Each week, I round up the best resources, articles, and videos I find that are relevant to finding freedom from porn and sexual addiction. Please note that by posting a link here it does not mean I agree with everything in the linked article. It just means I found it interesting enough to share.

Brad Hambrick | Marriage Impacted by Pornography or Adultery? Help for Both Spouses

“When sexual sin impacts a marriage there is often a great deal of confusion exacerbated by shame. A couple is not sure what to do and is embarrassed to ask for help. The result is often either passivity (pretending everything is okay or that things will get better without help) or reactivity (taking a bold action with little sense of purpose or intent to follow through).”

Relevant | Jesus Isn’t Looking for ‘Good’ People

“We will always be flawed as human beings, but it’s when we begin to think we can handle things on our own that we start to fail. We begin to lose our peace, direction and feel like we need to work for salvation. When we start to feel this way, it’s a sign that we may be striving by our own power and not resting in His power and promises.”

Fierce Marriage | Fight for Unity, Fight for Your Marriage

“Fighting for unity means protecting yourselves from division and divisive people. This is especially true if you’re going through a hard time.”

TrueFace | Two Roads