Weekly Web (W)roundup


Each week, I round up the best resources, articles, and videos I find that are relevant to finding freedom from porn and sexual addiction. Please note that by posting a link here it does not mean I agree with everything in the linked article. It just means I found it interesting enough to share.

Gospel Coalition | Proofs That If God Is for Us, Nothing Can Be Against Us

“No one can condemn us to hell on judgment day because Jesus himself died for us, was raised for us, and is now at the right hand of God interceding for us. We are eternally secure in Christ.”

Relevant | No One Ever Came to Jesus Because a Christian Scolded Them

“This is what happens in a group of people who have sound theology but are lacking in love. A Colosseum culture develops. Everyone rallies around a common enemy—the sinner. Robbers, evildoers, tax collectors, adulterers and adulteresses. And then the pouncing and the piling on. The shaming.”

CovenantEyes | 5 Habits to Rebuild Trust in Your Marriage

“Trust is the pure and powerful binding agent that holds our marital relationships together. Porn is trust’s greatest enemy. Its effects are relentless and destructive. And when that foundation of trust gives out and the structure of marriage sitting on top of it begins to crumble and fall, people get hurt leaving wounds and deep scars. And then what?”

KeyLife | Three Uses of the Law

Weekly Web (W)roundup


Each week, I round up the best resources, articles, and videos I find that are relevant to finding freedom from porn and sexual addiction. Please note that by posting a link here it does not mean I agree with everything in the linked article. It just means I found it interesting enough to share.

AndSons | Men Need Romance, Not Just Sex

“This is the story of a lot things. He finally got the girl. A coming-of-age vignette. Maybe just funny, awkward, or cute. But how about an act of foreplay? Yes, I mean the stuff that makes for good sex.”

XXXchurch | 4 Unexpected Things That Happen When You Quit Porn

“Many people are too scared to leave behind porn, because quitting any supposed ‘pleasure’ in our culture feels like an amputation, or some kind of offense against our autonomy. ‘You can’t tell me what to do’ is the leading logic.”

Desiring God | Never Harmless, Never Private, Never Safe

“At different times during that next decade of battling my sin, experiencing small victories and often as many defeats, I had the thought that marriage might cure me. In the back of my head, I thought I just needed a wife to satisfy all my sexual desire and impatience. So I allowed myself to dive into relationship after relationship, knowing I hadn’t dealt with the impurity that plagued me.”

Lifeway Men | Getting Into The Shoes of Millennial Men [PART 4]

“Millennial men have grown up in a world where many educators and marketers assaulted their maleness with neutral gender psycho-babble. They confused brash machismo (bad), with real acts of justice, protection, and courageous sacrifice (masculine).”

Steve McVey | Why You Should Be Optimistic in 2017

“Do you expect things to become better or worse? Make no mistake about it – what we believe about God’s working in our lives in this arena has an inestimable effect on how we move ahead and what we will experience and enjoy in the coming days.”

Trueface | The Path

Weekly Web (W)roundup


Each week, I round up the best resources, articles, and videos I find that are relevant to finding freedom from porn and sexual addiction. Please note that by posting a link here it does not mean I agree with everything in the linked article. It just means I found it interesting enough to share.

CovenantEyes | Changing How We See Beauty

“We must begin to look at women and people that we would objectify, not according to the flesh such as to arouse our own lusts; but understand that each individual represents a treasured person.”

XXXchurch | 4 Things to Look for to Determine If You Can Trust Your Sex-Addicted Spouse

“Ask any sexually-betrayed partner and they will tell you that while the infidelity itself is like a punch in the gut, worse still are dishonesty and lying. While they hate the betrayal, they detest the lack of integrity displayed in attempting to cover the tracks. At some point, the focus on rebuilding trust is as critical as helping the sex-addicted partner manage the addiction itself.”

Gospel Coalition | How to Encourage Honesty About Sin without Excusing It

“Life together in the body of Christ requires a healthy degree of openness and honesty about sin and temptation. ‘Confess your sins to one another,’ the apostle James writes (5:16). But how do we be vulnerable about our sin without simply excusing it?”

Pete Wilson | The Questions that Haunt Us

“So to all of my friends with broken or discouraged hearts. Let’s choose today (yes, in the midst of our difficulties) to believe that one day light will win over the darkness, love will win over hate, and all things will be redeemed and exist the way they were intended… and until that day, HE IS CLOSE. Closer than you ever imagined. Loving deeper than you’ve ever felt.”

Scott Slayton | How Can I Know that I am a Christian?

“The thrill of my early Christian assurance soon ran into the brutal reality that I was still a sinner. This led to my lack of assurance returning with fury. Wanting to turn to the Bible to find assurance, I misread the tests in 1 John and only found assurance based on how well I was obeying God. This led to an unhealthy roller coaster.”

LeyLife | Assurance (In 90 Seconds)

Weekly Web (W)roundup


Each week, I round up the best resources, articles, and videos I find that are relevant to finding freedom from porn and sexual addiction. Please note that by posting a link here it does not mean I agree with everything in the linked article. It just means I found it interesting enough to share.

Matt Moore | God Restores Repentant Failures

“My initial shock dissipated after the media hype simmered down, and the weight of my shameful actions settled painfully upon my conscience. My disobedience brought enormous dishonor upon the name of Jesus Christ and wrecked (at least temporarily) my witness to his powerful and satisfying grace.”

The Gospel Coalition | When Your Husband Is Addicted to Porn

“As a pastor’s wife, I’m well aware of the ravaging effects of pornography in marriage. While I’m grateful this isn’t my own experience, I’ve sat with multiple women as they share the devastating effects of porn. Although each situation is different, there are many similarities between the stories.”

FaithIT | F-Bombs and Bikinis: What It Really Means to Be a “Christian”

“When you try to cut out Christians with a religious cookie cutter, you not only tarnish diversity, but you trample on grace. It’s one thing for Christian subcultures to cultivate unique values. But it becomes destructive when those values are chiseled on Sinaitic tablets for all to obey.”

Rachel Watson | Sharing Heaven with Serial Killers

“After Dahmer was convicted of 15 murders and sentenced to many lifetimes in prison, Ratcliff began visiting him and sharing the gospel. According to Ratcliff, Dahmer struggled to grasp the depths of God’s grace… Do you want to see Jeffrey Dahmer in heaven?”

For the Church | 3 Things Sin Can’t Do To the Christian

“Below are three things to remember about sin to remind yourself that it has ultimately lost its power in your life. These reminders help us eliminate the shame we feel after disobedience and push us to repent of our sin even when we’re tempted to wallow in it.”

Key Life | Where’s the Line?

Weekly Web (W)roundup


Each week, I round up the best resources, articles, and videos I find that are relevant to finding freedom from porn and sexual addiction. Please note that by posting a link here it does not mean I agree with everything in the linked article. It just means I found it interesting enough to share.

Prince on Preaching | Ingratitude, Ethics, and Porn?

“In Ephesians 5:3, Paul asserted that sexual immorality was rooted in covetousness and he goes on to explain that covetousness is idolatry (Eph 5:5). Covetousness flows from a sense of entitlement and thankfulness is its opposite. Each possesses ethical consequences.”

The Gospel Coalition | Who was St. Nicholas?

“As you might have guessed, Nicholas was also revered for being a generous gift giver. Born into a wealth family, he inherited the fortune when his parents died. Apparently he gave his vast fortune away.”

Covenant Eyes | Are You Pursuing Sexual Purity for the Wrong Reasons?

“Listen closely, my friend: In everything you undertake, in every aspect of this war, you must seek God’s strength, God’s wisdom, and God’s glory. Only then will you prosper.”

Desiring God | Your Wounds Do Not Define You

“Each time we choose to see ourselves through the lens of our wounds, we refuse the opportunity to look at ourselves through God’s eyes. No one else has the authority to define who you are. He created you.”

Intentional Warriors | Bring Your Mess

“There is a strange liberation about hitting rock bottom. It doesn’t solve everything, not in the least, but it’s a huge relief from the burden of keeping up appearances.”

The Shack | Official Movie Trailer

Weekly Web (W)roundup


Each week, I round up the best resources, articles, and videos I find that are relevant to finding freedom from porn and sexual addiction. Please note that by posting a link here it does not mean I agree with everything in the linked article. It just means I found it interesting enough to share.

Relevant | We All Have Sexual Baggage

“A lot of us were raised with illustrations like this one, and most of us have heard similar analogies. The overall takeaway is that when it comes to our sexuality, we all fall into one of two categories: we’re either a picture of beauty and perfection, or we’re damaged goods.”

The Wardrobe Door | Why Doctor Strange would be C.S. Lewis’ Favorite Superhero

“For Lewis, the partially true myths provided a doorway to Christianity and served as an antidote to the materialistic secularism that was growing in prevalence even in his day.”

Covenant Eyes | 3 Powerful Porn Triggers (And How to Overcome Them)

“For guys who try to break free from pornography, these triggers are typically at the heart of every relapse. Any one of these is enough to send you over the edge. Combine two or all three of them and it becomes utterly consuming.”

Above All Else | Women & Sexual Temptation: Learning to Talk About Lust

“Lust is a desire for something that isn’t yours to have. And plenty of women, myself included, have lusted for the pursuit and intimacy of a husband way before it was ours to have. We might not struggle in all the same ways as our brothers do, but every one of us knows the pull of lustful temptations.”

Christian Cuevas | To Worship You I Live

Weekly Web (W)roundup


Each week, I round up the best resources, articles, and videos I find that are relevant to finding freedom from porn and sexual addiction. Please note that by posting a link here it does not mean I agree with everything in the linked article. It just means I found it interesting enough to share.

The Seattle School | Sex and Life in the Spirit

“I wish that my youth leaders had talked more about the goodness of my desire for deep and healthy relationship, and that the shape of my friendships as a teenager provided a window into the well-being of my future sexual life. I also wish they had connected my sexuality to life in the Spirit.”

Key Life | “Repent Now”

“The biggest problem with Christians is that we don’t feel free to repent. We can’t repent to God because we don’t trust him and what he says about his love. We can’t repent to one another because we know that, if we repent, they will know and we will no longer be a respected part of the church, the fellowship or our circle of Christian friends. We can’t even repent to ourselves because we simply wouldn’t be able to live with ourselves. So we lie. It’s the only option we think (usually subconsciously) we have.”

Steve McVey | The True Meaning of Repentance

“What if repentance doesn’t have anything to do with emotional or mental upheavals accompanied by heartfelt commitments to change our evil ways? What if, like obedience, repentance is a gift we possess by virtue of the life of Jesus Christ? Could the coming of Jesus Christ into this world have that great an impact on mankind?”

Dr. Brené Brown | Shame Is Lethal

Weekly Web (W)roundup


Each week, I round up the best resources, articles, and videos I find that are relevant to finding freedom from porn and sexual addiction. Please note that by posting a link here it does not mean I agree with everything in the linked article. It just means I found it interesting enough to share.

Randy Alcorn | Parents: It’s Time to Wake Up About Pornography, Sexting, and Your Children

“The great majority of children, especially boys but also girls, who are allowed access to pornography will view it, either inadvertently or purposefully, and many of those will become addicted to it, ruining their lives and in many cases ruining their future marriages.”

Desiring God | Live Like Sons and Daughters of the King

“We don’t know how to receive favor without working for it. And so we subtly (or not so subtly) trade away the one true gospel because we prefer to work for and serve God as slaves (or at least as employees), and not as sons.”

Timothy Paul Jones | C.S. Lewis and the False Promise of Pornography

“[O]ur Creator never intended our sexuality to be divorced from the costly joy of covenant commitment. The result of this pursuit of an imaginary harem is not increased pleasure but brokenness and pain that extend to at least three areas of life…”

Fierce Marriage | 3 Boundaries You Absolutely Need In Your Marriage

“When you stood (or will stand, if you’re not yet married) at the altar on your wedding day, you made a covenant that drew a boundary around the two of you. A wall was built that is meant to protect you from attack, and allow you to flourish within. You agreed that some things would be exclusively within your boundaries (exclusivity and privacy of sex, as one example). You also agreed that some things would be exclusively outside of your boundaries (divorce, for one).”

Pastors Press | More Like Sherlock, Less Like Watson

“I have found that with the twenty-four hour information flow on as many channels or websites, I can fill my mind with a lot of stuff that is at best trivial. Perhaps we all need to reflect on our daily intake of information and ask ourselves: ‘Does my intake of information fit the qualifications enumerated by Paul?’”

Andrew Peterson: Don’t You Want to Thank Someone

Weekly Web (W)roundup


Each week, I round up the best resources, articles, and videos I find that are relevant to finding freedom from porn and sexual addiction. Please note that by posting a link here it does not mean I agree with everything in the linked article. It just means I found it interesting enough to share.

Steve McVey | You Have Always Belonged

“If belonging didn’t come first, nothing could be lost. This is true not only with sheep, coins, and rebellious sons. It’s true with humanity itself. As many others have said, before we were ever lost in Adam, we already belonged in Christ.”

Tim Challies | Children and Sleepovers: What Parents Need to Know

“Invariably, every time the article gets stirred up on Facebook, I receive scores of letters to the editor expressing either gratitude or disagreement. Broadly speaking, these letters fall into two categories—those who have had bad experiences with sleepovers and, therefore agree with my article, and those who have not had bad experiences with sleepovers and, therefore, disagree with my article.”

Anchored in Christ | 5 Reasons Why Union with Christ is a Foreign Doctrine to Today’s Church

“Union with Christ says that through the finished work of Christ, we have access to the all-powerful God we were once separated from, and that abiding in Jesus Christ means we let Christ live through us, directing our lives.”

Patheos | How the Church’s Hyper-fixation on Sex Has Distracted Us from Being Like Jesus

“For Christians, because Jesus is our role model and the fullest revelation of God, it would make sense to see what he had to say about sex—which is surprisingly little.”

The Bible Project: Galatians

Weekly Web (W)roundup


Each week, I round up the best resources, articles, and videos I find that are relevant to finding freedom from porn and sexual addiction. Please note that by posting a link here it does not mean I agree with everything in the linked article. It just means I found it interesting enough to share.

Intentional Warriors | Recovery Sucks (Not Really)

“Naturally, staying clean is good, but doing so actually provides the chance for whole regions of the heart to surface from the murky depths. And that’s the point. “

Counseling One Another | 10 Things That Are True When I Confess My Sin

“Here we discover ten significant truths that you and I affirm every time we acceptably confess sin to God. Ponder these thoughts concerning God, sin, grace, forgiveness, and the sufficiency of Christ and his sacrificial work on your behalf.”

Steve McVey | God’s Heart for You

“From the instant of mankind’s creation, our God’s blessings didn’t depend on human service toward Him. God’s grace certainly motivates us to honor Him with acts of service, but His blessings are not the slightest bit contingent on our service to Him.”

Relevant | Infidelity Doesn’t Just Happen. It Starts with These Subtle Warnings

“Just as touch bridged the gap for infidelity to poke its nasty head in the case of the pastor and young lady, there are countless other nonverbal factors that if not stewarded well, have the potential to lead to marital infidelity.”

he Hound of Heaven: A Modern Adaptation